on 27-02-2024 21:04
Does anyone have an issue with the Theme Park in the GoodLock app?
It never worked on my device, it's S23Ultra bought from O2, but I know the app works fine on other devices ( not purchased from O2)
So I wonder if anyone else had the same issue?
on 27-02-2024 21:43
O2 S23 Ultra carries the same firmware as those supplied by Samsung, so should be no different
on 28-02-2024 20:41
on 28-02-2024 21:13
Yeah I have tried that. Also, I have reset the configuration settings, it made no difference.
on 28-02-2024 21:14
on 28-02-2024 21:14
Well, maybe there is a next step for me to reset the whole device, which I am hesitant about without any logs suggesting that will resolve the issue. As it's a pain to set up the phone again..
on 28-02-2024 21:18
on 28-02-2024 21:18
Didnt have any issues with any of the features in GoodLock on my S23 Ultra, it might be worth reaching out to Samsung via there community to see if they can recommend anything...
Also Reddit might be a good way to go as well, try r/samsung