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Forum Filter (Fit for purpose?!)

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@Martin-O2 @LukasB @TheresaV 

When I joined this forum in 2013 we had a forum filter which I understood was to stop swear words being posted. Such as the F word and the C word. Fair enough. Then we supposedly developed the filter so it removed email addresses, links and telephone numbers.

That has never worked. We still have to remind people to remove these to avoid being spammed.


However in terms of so called swear words, I think this forum should be moved into the 21st century.

On todays Word Hunt Diamond we had perfectly acceptable words removed by this filter. A few examples.


I wrote ****** (F L A N G E)  it was removed. This word means a piece of metal which holds on a tailpipe of a car or plane. . (It is also slang for the female VULVA)

****** F A G  or F A G E N D  I've had to space them so they won't be filtered out. Slang terms for a cigarette

If I say I'm going outside for a f a g it does NOT mean I'm off to engage in some sort of sexual activity male on male.

******IN F A G I N Also filtered out. Charles Dickins wrote about this man and I'm damn sure there was no-one there to filter that out!! It also means someone who pushes youngsters to steal.


I wrote about a MAINE ****** cat. C O O N. A breed of cat. Filtered out. I can't remember the last time I heard that word used in relation to a black person!


Then we come on to the breed of birds. Called ****** T I T S

Why on earth cant we write

Blue ******

Coal ******

Marsh ******

Great ******

Willow ******


Instead of








The forum filter stops us writing the correct name.


I don't think it allows **** C R A P  or BULL****** (B U L L ****** ) 

However, in the emoji box we have a pile of **** (so we can show a picture of it but we can't say it?


I'm not the only one who feels like this and others can feel free to add comments as they like but personally I'm sick to death of it and think the filter needs updating.

I'm NOT asking the forum filter to allow a swear fest. What I'm asking is some common sense.

That's all!



Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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I've got a whole range of words that I'd like to be allowed

...after's my normal everyday language

Message 41 of 59

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There's a special list for those who've risen so high they can go no higher, @jonsie 😎

Message 42 of 59

Not applicable


Message 43 of 59

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@pgn wrote:

There's a special list for those who've risen so high they can go no higher, @jonsie 😎

Yep, Gd and the Archangels !🤗

Message 44 of 59

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We'll see what swear words are allowed when I go to the dentist tomorrow morning @jonsie  innocent

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 45 of 59

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Thanks for the reminder on this one @Cleoriff! The changes can indeed be done by myself so it's just a matter of double checking the words and removing them from the existing filter. Obviously all the work with the new design took priority over this but It's still on my to do list and I'll provide an update in this thread once done with the newly unlocked words. 🙂

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Message 47 of 59

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Thanks @Martin-O2 👍

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 48 of 59

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@Martin-O2 wrote:

Thanks for the reminder on this one @Cleoriff! The changes can indeed be done by myself so it's just a matter of double checking the words and removing them from the existing filter. Obviously all the work with the new design took priority over this but It's still on my to do list and I'll provide an update in this thread once done with the newly unlocked words. 🙂

Good to hear you`re going to be worked on this @Martin-O2 .

Thank you


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 49 of 59

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Hey everyone, 


Firstly apologies for the time it’s taken to get back to you all on this but I’ve now had the opportunity to have a discussion with O2 about these words being removed from the filter. 


Words that have now been removed from the filter: 





Unfortunately all the other words suggested wont be removed from the filter. This is because they have a potential for misuse and the downside of being misused outweighs the benefit of allowing them, given how infrequently legitimate use comes up. 


I am investigating if the filter can be adjusted to allow some of these words if they are part of a longer word and will update you on my findings shortly. In the mean time as a compromise I'm happy to allow you to bypass the filter for legitimate uses if the blocked words, for example racc00n. 


If you have any specific questions about the words that will remain blocked please drop me a PM about it so we can avoid bypassing the filter on a public board. 

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