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Example how O2 cares about an existing customers...

Not applicable

Hi, Firstly I would like to say that I am not blaming this guys on other side of my screen but all managers & directors with are in most responsible for quality of standard given to customers. I feel really disappointment with that what I get from O2 within a last few days and would like to share it with you. 

Purpose of my chat to guys from o2 was simple - upgrade, Me and my husband are with the network more than 8 years on one account but 2 contracts, generally we paid average of £40 pounds per month (£37 tariff), that give 80 a month, over a 8 years that gives nearly 8k - of course price of tariff include privilege of keeping brand new phones with "bite apple" on a back side so I can’t complain about that but…

In next month my contract will terminated so I try to upgrade it. I looked in all mayor UK networks (Orange, T-Mobile and O2 (as last one) off course because I had feeling that as an existing customer I will have best deal.

Guess what…

… I was wrong – two others network give me cheaper or similar offer as new customer


Below is a conversation with improve me that O2 deserve to be “The worst network in UK”

Due to some reason name of advisor was slightly changed.

Welcome to O2. Someone will be with you soon.

We're really busy right now. Thanks for waiting.

We're really busy right now. Thanks for waiting.

We're really busy right now. Thanks for waiting.

We're really busy right now. Thanks for waiting.

We're really busy right now. Thanks for waiting.

We're really busy right now. Thanks for waiting.

We're really busy right now. Thanks for waiting.

We're really busy right now. Thanks for waiting. -------------- after 38 minutes

You're through to 'Gxxxx'

Gxxxx: Hi there. My name's Gxxxx I am an O2 Re-Contract advisor, how can I help you today?

Me: Hi, i would like to upgrade

Me: my contract

Gxxxx: I'll be happy to help you with that.

Gxxxx: Can I’ve your full name and O2 mobile number?

Me: i mean i would like to speak with you about an offer

Me: with you can give me

Me: Me xxxxx – 07xxxxxxxxx

Gxxxx: Thanks.

Gxxxx: Please can you tell me the 4th and 5th character of the answer to your security question?

Me: there is only 3 slight_smile

Gxxxx: I'm sorry.

Gxxxx: Please help me with your last bill amount and the first and last digit of your sort code.

Gxxxx: Please ignore the above line.

Gxxxx: Please help me with the last two character of your security answer.

Me:  xxxx

Gxxxx: Perfect.

Gxxxx: Are you looking to upgrade with iPhone 5s?

Me: to be honest yes but its depends of price

Gxxxx: Okay, let me help you with the deal.

Me: and i do want any of this 5 "c" models

Gxxxx: Please help me with the security code that I sent on your mobile number.

Me: didn't received any yet

Gxxxx: I sent it on your number 07xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Me: number is correct but still waiting

Gxxxx: I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused to you, in this case I'd suggest you to visit your nearest o2 store.

Me: i have no time

Me: to walk to store

Me: code is : xxxxxxxx

Gxxxx: Perfect.

Gxxxx: Are you looking for iPhone 5s or 5c?

Me: 5s only

Gxxxx: Okay.

Gxxxx: You can go with an O2 refresh deal on £32 tariff(24 months). In this you'll get  unlimited  minutes, unlimited texts and 1 GB data with unlimited O2 wifi. The upfront cost for iPhone 5s 16 GB is £169.99. Here your airtime tariff will be £17 per month and the phone plan will be £15 per month.

Gxxxx: Or you can go with an O2 refresh deal on £37 tariff(24 months). In this you'll get  unlimited  minutes, unlimited texts and 1 GB data with unlimited O2 wifi. The upfront cost for iPhone 5s 16 GB is £119.99. . Here your airtime tariff will be £17 per month and the phone plan will be £20 per month.

Me: this is exaclly same as on website          




Gxxxx: Yes Me.

Me: i though as a loyal customer I can get better then that

Gxxxx: Which deal would you like to go with?

Gxxxx: Me I'm just a chat support advisor, we're here to promote our online deals and help customers placing Order online.

Me: So it mean there will be no better option for me with o2?

Gxxxx: Right now we can only help you with this deal.

Me: i will happy 32 pounds/month but upfront cost is to high

Gxxxx: You can  trade in your current handset.

Me: OK can you help me with other think then - i want to transfer my number to other network

Me: i need PAC number

Me: could you give me one valid now?

Gxxxx: Yes I can help you with PAC but won't you think £32 tariff is a very good deal.

Me: 32 is a good deal but if I will get iphone 5s without any upfront costs

Me: simple

Gxxxx: You can also trade in your current handset to pay off this upfront cost. I'll help you with a link for more information about this.

Gxxxx: We have got a great service that you might be interested in, o2 recycle this will give you cash for your old phones click here , thank you.

Me: my current phone is worth twice much more then that recycle offer

Me: on ebay slight_smile  

Me: and 32 per month with current handset i can get everywhere slight_smile sorry but I feel you are kidding me with an offer like that

---- WRRRRRRRRRRRRRR what are talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ---

Gxxxx: I'm sorry if you think so.

Me: my husband got iphone 5 for 35 pound a month (new customer in other network) and guess what - I am with o2 more then 8 years with two contract and you give me that...

Me: it is disrespect to me

Gxxxx: I'm just a chat support advisor, we're here to promote our online deals and help customers placing Order online.

Me: So I would like to speak with someone who will give me what I am asking if that not a problem

Gxxxx: I'm sorry for not being able to offer you your choice of deal but I can only help you with the deal as available on chat.

Me: Me: So I would like to speak with someone who will give me what I am asking if that not a problem

Gxxxx: So what would you like me to do?

-------------- I JUST TOLD YOU WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO !! ----------------

Me: I do understand that you follow procedure from your screen but… wink I would ask you for transferring me to other advisor who got a opportunity to deal with my case on my or close to my expectation

Gxxxx: Me I'm sorry but here on chat we won't be able to alter the above deal.

Gxxxx: Is there anything else I can help you with?

Me: PAC number please  ------------- ENOUGH ---------------

Gxxxx: There is some important info you need to know about your disconnection, please click here to read through it.

Gxxxx: I'll help you with this.

Me: And Your full name

Gxxxx: Please let me know once you go through the above terms.

Me: I know very well about terms & condition regarding this matter

Gxxxx: I've generated the PAC for your number.

Me: Thank you

Gxxxx: The PAC is xxxxxxxx.

Gxxxx: This is valid till xxxxxx.

Gxxxx: Your contract with us will be disconnected once you use this code with another service provider and the final bill will be generated within 14 days from the PAC used date.

Gxxxx: Please note that if you don't use the PAC within the expiry date then your account with us will remain active.

Gxxxx: Thanks for your time and patience.


I was upset to service given so I start having fun by simple answer…


Me: Can you give your full name please

Gxxxx: I'm only Gxxxx from O2 pay monthly chat.

Me: And I would like to know your full name

Me: in case of any feedback - this is my law that I can ask for a full name of person with I am talking to

Gxxxx: I'm sorry we don't disclose our personal details on chat.

Me: So why you asking about details of your customers?

Me: you have no right then its sound from that what you saying

------ Man was bit confused, I wait 4 min there was no action so again: -----

Me: Can I have your FULL name, please?

Gxxxx: Is there anything else aprt fron this I can help you with?

Me: If I will have your full name then yes, I will not go ahead with anything else without a full name of person with I am talking to

Gxxxx: I'm Gxxxx from O2 pay monthly Re-contract team.

Me: So your full name is: Gxxxx from O2 pay monthly Re-contract team?
------------- grin ---------------

Gxxxx: Gxxxx Sxxxx.

Me: Thank you for your help Gxxxx Sxxxx. Have a good day.

Gxxxx: Bye and take care.

O2 has ended this chat session.

Conclusion: Dose all that people with train guys from Customer Service think that customers are fools? I feel to be treated like idiot by offering me something what I can get everywhere without involving anyone. I just hardly try to stay with them but now I see is not point.

It is looks like they have enough customers and don’t need to cares that one “frustrated” woman want upgrade a contract with them with some “Special” agreement.

Just to let you know, couple months ago my husband get £100 off upfront costs from o2 without stress when doing a upgrade – so what is that all about now?

Message 1 of 20

Not applicable
I've just left o2 but what I say is they DO give discount if you do your homework and find the better deals. The stores don't but phone customer services as they do - even on new handsets. Or I was just lucky.. Unlikely
Message 11 of 20

Not applicable

When "upgrade_woman" asked about further discount, Gxxxxx (let's call him "George", because whatever name he gave was unlikely to be his real one anyhow!) could have quickly explained that to negotiate a better deal, it would be necessary to call 202, instead of giving a string of uninformative answers which just strung out the conversation. The fact that George repeated himself verbatim at times would suggest that he's in a call centre, with no authority to make any decisions, probably no knowledge of the product he's dealing with, and just follows a script. But O2 would never do that....would they....? wink

Message 12 of 20

Not applicable
Well I was shopping around for deals on the iPhone 5s O2 would not honour me with the open discount on the tariffs of the iPhone 5s where as Vodafone still did give discounts on their iPhone 5s tariffs.

After many years bring an O2 customer I feel that O2 should pay more more attention in keeping their customers and repaying back their loyalty but looks like the o2 motto has changed for the worse.
Message 13 of 20

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It was showing in the FAQs as not being included:

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 14 of 20

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I don't know why people still persist in thinking that being a loyal customer entitles them to a discount. It used to be the case that existing customers were actually charged more for upgrades than new customers (theoretically to entice new customers in).

O2 stopped that and offered existing customers the same deals as available to new users on upgrades.


If you've seen a cheaper deal with another network, then go through to retentions and they may or may not be able to match it, but if they can't be sure you have the coverage before switching.

iPhone 14 Pro (O2 ), S23U (EE), iPad Pro LTE (EE), .

Reviews: iPhone-X-first-impressions ¦ Blackberry Classic ¦ Blackberry Z30 ¦ Nokia Lumia 1020 ¦ Samsung S4 Mini Part 1 ¦ Samsung S4 Mini Pt. 2
Message 15 of 20

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As an existing customer especially with years of being with O2 or mind you with any other business which you spend your money and time with I always find that they would always would like to keep your customers happy. As an existing customer O2 always offered me deals to stay with them or any other network provider, who in the right mind would as an existing customer pay more for an upgrade than a new customer?! I have never come across this since my first Nokia banana phone.....
Message 16 of 20

Not applicable
I agree that this was a rude and objectionable way to treat O2 staff. I've been with O2 for years and don't think that customers who act rudely and demand to pay less than everyone else should be able to - it is not fair on everyone else. Why should we pay to subsidise your new phone? iPhone 5S is in massive demand and to expect to get it cheap right now is ludicrous. Some of us have been with O2 for much longer than 8 years and stay because their network works well, billing is reliable and staff usually pretty helpful. Demanding your PAC code in such a petty way just shows how childish and greedy you are.

If discounts are to be given to longstanding customers, they should be given to all longstanding customers-not to those who act rudely and then post illiterate details of how rude they have been whilst expecting everyone else to agree how horribly they have been treated because they weren't given a free iPhone 5S (which are worth over £700). I gladly paid for my iPhone 5S, received it within a couple of days and am absolutely loving it... and when I speak to O2 staff, I am friendly with them and they are friendly and efficient in return.

Upgradewoman needs to upgrade her manners and stop behaving so antisocially.
Message 17 of 20

Not applicable
Yeah you were quite rude to the guy. He was only telling you what the offer was, and for a new iPhone, what d'ya expect. Of course it'll cost a lot. You should have asked "do I get anything from being a loyal customer". Or search through cheaper deals. I did that £37 a month and 'upgraded' to an £8 sim-only because I said I wanted the cheapest pay-and-go option, and that was suggested.
Message 18 of 20

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I have been with o2 when it was BT since  1991. I think that should get a good deal from o2, but it doesn't.  why should people pay £300 to £500 for an iphone that only costs about £100 to make. All phone companies are charging this price & people are silly enough to be ripped  off

Message 19 of 20

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The phone you buy is your choice, there is no need to spend that much and I never would.


The prices for iPhones are largely controlled by Apple, so O2 are limited in what they can offer.


Place the blame where it belongs, mine cost me less than £300 and does almost anything any other phone can do.

Shop around at the other shops like CPW etc and see what they have to offer.

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 20 of 20