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Disgusted by customer service level!!

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I have been a customer of o2 for about 16 years now and, wanted to upgrade my phone. After 1.5hours 'chatting' to a guru I placed my order (irritating considering i was then late for a meeting...) and then, after trying to place the order, there was no where for me to put my address in.. (another forty minutes wasted..)


I then spoke to another guru, who advised I place the order and then he'll transfer me to another guru to change the address. I did this based on his advice. I was then told by the other guru that I had to now collect this from store?!!


I am in meetings for the next three days and cannot believe I wasted almost half a day upgrading my phone?!!!! I now have to go into town to collect it, when I didn't want to do that!! Really, really not happy and cannot believe the lack of support for a customer that has been with o2 for so long.

Message 1 of 34

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@gemz4the1 wrote:
Everyone is entitled to give advice to the OP.
My advice is just one option and it is based on the fact that the OP claimed that they had made several complaints in the past and they have received no response from O2. If the OP wants to choose somebody else's advice or wait a bit longer then it is entirely up to them.

I will not engage in public debate @gemz4the1 on why your advice was totally inappropriate. 

Message 21 of 34

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piperdog123, sorry but I disagree, having been down the ombudsman route several times before, it doesn't work. Contacting senior management, however, DOES work.
It is not up to the customer to have to find out how a company's complaints procedure works, all information should be voluntarily provided at the initial complaint. But it seems O2 want to stop customers from complaining.
Given that I have heard nothing back in so long, it s FAR beyond the scope of a complaints department, who should have contacted me in the first place, but as I have said before, O2 just doesn't care about it's customerbase. As long as we blindly pay them money they couldn't care less.

bandofbrothers I spoke with someone directly about the payg tariff, but again, perhaps thats where I went wrong, I trusted what an O2 employee told me. I should have realised by now to take everything they say with a rather large grain of salt!
I will admit that when I complained they did refund the money back as credit and alter my payg tariff to the one that had been requested by me, but still that leaves the issue of why my request was ignored in the first place.
Message 22 of 34

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So you had your tariff corrected, and your loss credited?

If you had gone to the Ombudsman they would have found in o2's favour as you have been effectively returned to the position you would have been in had the tariff been set correctly.

If that is correct I am not sure what you are now trying to achieve? Compensation? Unlikely after 2 years.

If this brief post is an accurate summary then sorry but I don't see what you exist from this. It also further confirms why contacting the CEO is not appropriate.
Message 23 of 34

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@piperdog123, perhaps you should take your own advice then, because it appears that only last month, you yourself emailed the CEO!!!
To say your advice is rather two-faced is putting it mildly. Perhaps instead of going off and rubbishing other people and reporting their posts you should think about how inappropriate it is to report a post that suggests doing exactly what it is you have done yourself!!!
Message 24 of 34

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Further Miguel you state you are awaiting a response to your complaint via online chat. Live Chat is a customer service line. It is not a complaint line.

Further you state that o2 are trying to stop complaints from being made. How can that be the case when most of the Web pages have a link to complaints.

I seriously think you need to put things into perspective. You were over charged, credited back and put on right tariff.

You are flogging a dead horse with this one, wasting hours you will never get back in your life. Time to move on.
Message 25 of 34

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No piperdog123, you clearly are misunderstanding. What I want is an explanation as to why after agreeing with me that something would happen, that O2 went ahead and sent me the wrong sim and put me on the wrong tariff.
I also want to know what was done to ensure that oversights such as this don't happen again to other people.
And, ore importantly, what I want is an apology from O2 for such ineptitude.
I was somewhat upset when trying to phone home to find out how my sick mother was to find all my credit had mysteriously vanished without trace.
This particular issue happened only last August, but I am still awaiting my apology and response about my complaint.

My contact with the CEO will be about all the problems I have had with O2 over the last 12 years, and their lack of response.

As I said earlier, given you have also contacted the CEO to complain, perhaps you should not be giving advice to others to NOT contact him!
Message 26 of 34

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I think Miguel you will find I emailed his office, not himself, on an issue that was affecting many customers, not a one off that relates to something 2 years ago that has actually been resolved.

Clear differences.
Message 27 of 34

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Still, you do what you want up do as you clearly won't accept the advice.

Hopefully you will find peace and resolution. Please do feed back the outcome
Message 28 of 34

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But again you miss my point entirely. This latest issue happened only 5 months ago.
And the issue I encountered could easily be affecting many customers. You think I am the only one that O2 have put on the wrong tariff after agreeing something else?
The problem may have been resolved, however, I still have not heard back from my complaint. I am well aware live chat is their customer disservice department, but guess what they said my complaint would be passed to the complaints dept. Guess that's another one to chalk up that I was given duff info by O2.

Oh, and BTW your topic clearly states you emailed the CEO rather than his office.screen.png


Maybe we should agree to disagree over this, and stop the pointless postings.

Message 29 of 34

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Hey everyone,


While we have had plenty of advice in the thread, it has gone off the original post. Please try to keep the posts focused on the original issue.


Cheers all,


Message 30 of 34