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Dell Streak 2.2 Froyo Update on O2

Not applicable
Please advise when the Android 2.2 (aka Froyo) release will be available for 02 customers
Thanks in anticapation
Message 1 of 164
163 REPLIES 163

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I hope so. To all those who dont understand why we are so keen for 2.2, wait till you have it then tell all us impatient fools that only care about version numbers that actually you cant see the point and are downgrading to 2.1 or 1.6......
Message 61 of 164

Not applicable
No one's saying we don't want it, or that we'll want to downgrade once it's here... just that being so impatient over it seems silly. The Streak shipped with 1.6, anything else is a bonus.
Message 62 of 164

Not applicable
I hope so. To all those who dont understand why we are so keen for 2.2, wait till you have it then tell all us impatient fools that only care about version numbers that actually you cant see the point and are downgrading to 2.1 or 1.6......

I'd echo what 'robmoo' said.
Also, the Streak with 1.6 is hardly archaic AND the 2.2 release is, by and large, in line with other manufacturers 2.2 updates.
Message 63 of 164

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It's just that some folks bought the Streak because they were told a Froyo update was imminent. It was used as a lure to get them to buy when it seemed the update was nowhere on the horizon. All complaints will soon be forgotten when this arrives! grin
Message 64 of 164

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Hmmmm so a company as big as O2 announces this long awaited news with a tweet, not via a txt or other notiication to contract devices, or through their expensive web site, not even on this thread, where we have been asking and waiting for O2 to communicate like SETI researchers waiting for ET to call, possibly theres more chance of ET calling for a chat before 2.2 arrives on my streak.
whats the odds on 2.2 being delayed till 2011?
News flash: Elvis sighted with O2 Dell Streak with 2.2..........
Message 65 of 164

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Hmmmm so a company as big as O2 announces this long awaited news with a tweet, not via a txt or other notiication to contract devices, or through their expensive web site, not even on this thread, where we have been asking and waiting for O2 to communicate like SETI researchers waiting for ET to call, possibly theres more chance of ET calling for a chat before 2.2 arrives on my streak.
whats the odds on 2.2 being delayed till 2011?
News flash: Elvis sighted with O2 Dell Streak with 2.2..........

All those with a Dell Streak should get a notification by the end of today saying, here's the 2.2 update and if you want to download it or not?
Really what's the problem with that?
Message 66 of 164

Not applicable
I hope so. To all those who dont understand why we are so keen for 2.2, wait till you have it then tell all us impatient fools that only care about version numbers that actually you cant see the point and are downgrading to 2.1 or 1.6......

I'd echo what 'robmoo' said.
Also, the Streak with 1.6 is hardly archaic AND the 2.2 release is, by and large, in line with other manufacturers 2.2 updates.

I'd say once developers start developing apps that dont support a version of an OS, its pretty much a dead OS, I could by a new PC wth Windows XP on it, it would work but Windows 7 is what I'd want. You can look at it this way. 1.6 = xp sp 1, 2.1 = Vista (eewwww) 2.2 = Windows 7
As for being patient, I have had this streak for 6 months suffered with 1.6 which really wasnt that good, followed by the rushed out, pre rooted, buggy 2.1, which O2 pulled faster than superman on the way to the loo with the trots.
2.2 is out on many handsets and its been stated that other droid handsets are O2's prioity. For those of you happy with 1.6 or 2.1 fair play and good luck, I do have to wonder why your on this thread and I sometimes winder if some of you work for O2, could be too much akex jones?
Message 67 of 164

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Message 68 of 164

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I'd say once developers start developing apps that dont support a version of an OS, its pretty much a dead OS, I could by a new PC wth Windows XP on it, it would work but Windows 7 is what I'd want. You can look at it this way. 1.6 = xp sp 1, 2.1 = Vista (eewwww) 2.2 = Windows 7
As for being patient, I have had this streak for 6 months suffered with 1.6 which really wasnt that good, followed by the rushed out, pre rooted, buggy 2.1, which O2 pulled faster than superman on the way to the loo with the trots.
2.2 is out on many handsets and its been stated that other droid handsets are O2's prioity. For those of you happy with 1.6 or 2.1 fair play and good luck, I do have to wonder why your on this thread and I sometimes winder if some of you work for O2, could be too much akex jones?

Why am I here? I'm a Dell Streak owner.
By the way, who said that other Android handsets are O2's priority?
Dell had 2.2 ready about three weeks ago and the timescale between that release and O2's version is exactly the same as when Samsung and HTC released 2.2 for their devices, suggesting that O2 have put the Dell Streak on an equal footing.
That really is personal opinion if you feel 1.6 redundant or not. Of course, when you got the phone 6 months ago and felt that it "wasn't that good" then why didn't you return it? Nobody promised further updates at the time.
And why do you need to post an article from a third-party website when O2's own Twitter page confirms 2.2 will be available later today?
Message 69 of 164

Not applicable
OK here we go:
O2 said they were prioritising other phones. (remember O2 is represented in a number of fashions mainly by service desk staff who should keep quiet instead of voice what is frequently hearsay or personal opinion).
Yes there was a promise of further updates.
The phone was sold with an undertaking that an OTA update would be issued before year end to install froyo on the streak. Hence most of us bought the phone on this basis.
Because of O2's total inability to commuicate with it's customers 3rd party websites are frequently the only place to get information. O2 will happily release vague information to review sites and other journalistic sites however.
What is it with Twitter? This is not an appropriate tool for anything let alone releasing 'official' updates to customers.
Message 70 of 164