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Deeply concerned about o2 security breach through app

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So I was on the app yesterday looking at upgrades and there was an option for ‘need more info’ or something along those lines. I clicked it and it took me to o2 customer support through WhatsApp. The ‘operator’ took me through options for upgrade. My upgrade went through ok and was showing on the app. Delivery was out today and then the status changed to ‘sent back to o2’ on DPD app. Rang o2 and was advised the delivery was cancelled through their fraud team. Not had a single call or email from o2 regarding it. The worrying thing is I had an apple notification last night warning to change passwords on all accounts.


I’m appalled at o2 not even bothering to ring me or warn me. All I’m being told is someone will call you within 5 days regarding it. One thing for sure is I will definitely not be upgrading and continuing service with o2. Shocking service and security, their own app has been compromised. 

Message 1 of 5

Level 77: Grand Master
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Interesting - just tried that process you described, and noticed the "Need help - Chat" box popped up, with WhatsApp button at the bottom of it...


I suspect, had I gone through and pressed it, I'd get as you describe.

All I can suggest, @Sam38 is to 

contact the sales team as they can help with that – message them on Social Media if that works best for you -on Facebook ( , Twitter ( or Instagram (

Or you can call them on 0800 081 0255. Credit Fail checks happen, and in a 36month upgrade, probably a good thing - O2 is remiss in not letting you know what the reason was before cancelling delivery through their courier. Good luck!

Message 2 of 5

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@pgn thank you for checking that, really appreciate it. Was starting to think I was going mad. I’ve rang customer services but they were completely useless. One operator even advised me to go and pick up the phone from DPD hub. Will try them on Twitter 

Message 3 of 5

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Similar thing has just happened to me. Did you get it resolved. All I have been told is I have to wait for the fraud team to get in touch with me with a conclusion! I just want what I ordered. 

Message 4 of 5

Level 78: King of Kings
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o2 will not tell you why something has been trapped by the Fraud System flagging your order for fraud. 

Hypothetically it can be for IP Address, your bank flagging the transaction, your email, making a change to security details, Algorithms flagging it as looking like fraud, history of fraud etc etc . 

O2 Can not tell you why it has flagged as that is classed as tipping off, and also if it needs to go to the police for investigation. 

And if anyone does at o2 they can lose their jobs and go to to prison and be fined, and so can o2. 

This is not customer services and we dont have access to your account
I do not work for o2 or any VMo2 /Telefonica/Liberty Global Company
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