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Level 1: Joiner
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I can't find the right way to contact you because customer service minimizes the situation reassuring me that everything is alright.

In a nutshell, talking to one of your agents I understood that, whilst you were migrating data from Virgin Media to O2 (I didn't understand if it's still ongoing or not ), you had a DATA BREACH.

I never received a communication informing me of the situation as would need to happen in this case in order to comply with the GDPR laws.


Did you ever send out a communication informing them about the data breach and the fact that their credentials got leaked? if so, when?


Yesterday I received a scam call from this number +441615261866 (which is true I could have noticed even if it caught me by surprise and they already had access to a lot of details from the beginning through my o2 profile page, I assume).

Luckily nothing has been taken but I still would like to file an official complaint, and, if you can please tell me how can I escalate this as quickly as possible because if the article below is correct, on top of the data breach, you also haven't informed customers promptly

Also, if any actions as been taken to fix it, I would like to receive a link where can I find a detailed description.


I'll keep posting it until I get an official and exhaustive reply

Message 1 of 11

Level 94: Supreme
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I'm still on the old legacy billing system @gmarkj 

My contact preferences remain exactly as I set them. Thankfully!

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 11 of 11