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Changing a a faulty phone...What is O2's policy?

Not applicable
I have had 3 faulty Dell Streak phones from 02, and although i love the phone I feel that it is not one that I trust any more to work properly.
Anyhow I have gone through O2's process and was told after a third faulty phone that I would be able to change it for a different model. I feel I have been very patient with this phone and the manager of the shop agreed with me that I could change the phone. However he has recently told me that the powers that be (area manager?) are saying that I can only exchange this for another Dell Streak. That is a FOURTH phone in lees than a year.
Now according to the manager in the shop after a third faulty phone I should be able to exchange for a similar phone...So I filled in the form with him, he said I couldn't chose an Iphone 4 and or a Blackberry. I chose a Samsung galaxy S2.
Now after a 2 weeks wait I have been told I have to have another Dell Streak, and 'fingers crossed' it will be OK. But so far it has taken between 2 - 3 months for the phone to o wrong again. Now I feel I don't want to be lumbered with a phone in one years time that doesn't work and I am out of contract and so have no comeback with O2...
Where do I stand with O2. As they keep exchanging the phone because it keeps going wrong but now say I can't change the make of the phone.
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
Message 1 of 27

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Just been onto O2 online chat...If you can be bothered this is what transpired...(IN A NUTSHELL NO HELP AT ALL)

Welcome to O2. Someone will be with you soon.
You're through to Bruce.
Bruce: Hi I'm Bruce. How can I help?
joetheslug: I was wondering about the O2 policy on exchanging a faulty phone.
Bruce: I'll check this for you.
joetheslug: But there is more to the story than just that
joetheslug: I can explain if you want
Bruce: Please explain me the details
joetheslug: Well I have had a Dell Streak and after 2 months it went it was sent back and repaired. Next...
joetheslug: I received it back repaired and it died after another month...returned it again and it was sent away aain...
joetheslug: again
joetheslug: Then i got a new phone...This was ok for 2.5 months and it died again
joetheslug: Now I was dealin with the guys at Stockport shop...and I have been very patient
Bruce: I'm really sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
joetheslug: So I was told by paul the manager that if it was to go wrong again that I would be allowed to replaced it with another phone
Bruce: Did you place the order online?
joetheslug: So I got another Dell Streak and it went wrong again
joetheslug: Yes
Bruce: No worries.
joetheslug: So I took it back...did all the paper work with the manager
joetheslug: He said he thought I would be alowed to swap it for another make
Bruce: Can you tell me your email address?
joetheslug: So we filled in the documents and I put down the model I wished to swap to...I waited 2 weeks and Paul said that although he thought I should be allowed o swap customer services say I must have another Dell Streak...You may understand why I wish not to have another
joetheslug: I will be on my 4th Dell in less than a year
Bruce: What best I can do for you is forward the details to our Repairs team.
joetheslug: ***
Bruce: They'll contact you within 24 hours.
Bruce: After investigating the case.
joetheslug: I have already spoken to them
Bruce: Have you already spoken to our Repairs Team?
joetheslug: When I got the 3rd phone it began to display the same symptoms and so I took it back....they rang me because they could find out what was wrong
joetheslug: It was intermitant
joetheslug: the problem
Bruce: I completely agree with your point.
Bruce: I would have helped you if it was possible for me.
Bruce: However, the phone needs to be repaired by our Repairs Team
joetheslug: Now after having 3 different phones I was told that it would be fair to say that I am not happy with that model
joetheslug: Look mate I have aleady had 3 repaired and then I will be on my fourth phone
joetheslug: Isn't it reasonable to say that a different model would be better
Bruce: I do understand that however, the phone can be replaced within 14 days
joetheslug: I was told that the company policy is that if it happens 3 x that changing MODEL would be in order
Bruce: I'm sorry but this isn't possible.
joetheslug: Why not, so are you sayin that I will just keep swapping the Dell for another Dell until my contract expires
joetheslug: It is possible cos I signed the forms to swap to another model
joetheslug: I was asked to write down 3 different models but it couldn't be an Iphone or a Blackberry
joetheslug: Paul the manager told me to put down a samsun galaxy
Bruce: Can you tell me where you were informed about this?
joetheslug: In the Stockport shop
Bruce: I'm sorry but I won't be able to check the records of the store.
joetheslug: However after a 2 week wait, he got back to me and said that I am only allowed to have another new Dell Streak
Bruce: You need to get in touch with the same store where you were informed about this.
Bruce: Yes that's right
joetheslug: So why did I sign to change phones from a selection of 3 models?
joetheslug: So you are saying that I will be sending phones back and forth until my contract finishes
Bruce: Please confirm me did you place the order online or store.
joetheslug: I got the first phone in August and I have never had it for longer than 3 months before it goes back for repair then replacement
joetheslug: Online
joetheslug: Do you think that it is reasonable to expect me to have 4 phones in 10 months
Bruce: Let me check this with my supervisor. Give me 2 minutes
joetheslug: I don't want to left with a phone at the end of contract could break at any time.
joetheslug: I don't want to swap lightly as I have all the accessories that come with it...2 car holders and a av cradle...I would have to sell these, so you see it is just the unreliability of the phone
joetheslug: I probably have a history logged under my phone number
Bruce: I've discussed your case with my Supervisor. The best option is that I'll forward the details to our Repairs team
joetheslug: But they don't deal with changing the model
Bruce: They'll then contact you within 24 hours.
joetheslug: I am now awaiting the 4th phone
Bruce: You can discuss the options for the model over the call with them
joetheslug: What do you mean
joetheslug: Will they have the power to send a different model
Bruce: I mean that the Repairs team is the best option for discussing the faulty phones.
joetheslug: I know that but that's not the problem
joetheslug: Can't you see that changing this model 3x is not really acceptable
Bruce: I do agree with you.
joetheslug: I use this phone for work
joetheslug: or try to when I have it working
Bruce: I undestand that
joetheslug: So Repairs are not the people that can help me ...I was told it is customer sevices
joetheslug: YOU HAVE THE POWER!
Bruce: All Repairs are to be taken care by our Repairs team.
Bruce: I'd request you to call us on 08448 090 202 or dial 202 free from your O2 Pay Monthly mobile. One of our advisors will discuss this matter with you and help you further.
Bruce: Our advisors are available Monday to Friday between 8am and 9pm, Saturday between 8am and 8pm and on Sunday between 8am and 6pm.
Bruce: Calls are free of charge from an O2 Pay Monthly mobile. Calls from other phones will be charged at your Service Providers published rates.
joetheslug: iTS NOT A REPAIR
Bruce: I know that.
joetheslug: lol
Bruce: You want to replace the phone.
Bruce: You can discuss the option with us on the above number.
joetheslug: OK so you can't directly help
joetheslug: no problem
Bruce: Give me a moment
Bruce: I'm transferring the chat to my Supervisor.
Bruce: You can discuss this with him
joetheslug: ok cheers
Hold on. You're being put through to Georgina.
You're through to Georgina.
joetheslug: Hi G
Georgina: Hi.
Georgina: Please wait while I go through the chat.
joetheslug: No problem
joetheslug: its long
joetheslug: slight_smile
Georgina: Thanks for waiting. I just checked that your your phone is not working properly and it is already been checked by the repairs team and still not working.
joetheslug: Yep
joetheslug: as I ws saying this next phone will be number 4
Georgina: let me check your account.
Georgina: Please can you tell me the first and third character of the answer to your security question?
joetheslug: Paul the manager at Stockport said it was reasonable to swap for a different phone after 3 faulty ones
joetheslug: But has instructed after a couple of week to not let me was not his decision
joetheslug: But as he says he has done all he can
joetheslug: He has been very reasonable
Georgina: Well joe, I'm sorry there is no such way wherein you can swap the phone after 14 days cooling off period.
joetheslug: but some one above him hasn't
joetheslug: even after I have had a brand new one as a replacement and it goes wrong
joetheslug: again
joetheslug: I haven't had a phone fit for purpose yet
joetheslug: and it is a smart phone
joetheslug: and it wouldn't cost you any more to swap for another smart phone seeing as you are giving me a brand new one
joetheslug: a phone of a different make
Georgina: No it's not possible to swap the phone within contract terms.
joetheslug: I am still paying a contract with you in which I haven't had a phone that works properly.
Georgina: I understand this. As this needs to be checked, I can send the details to the concerned team and they can only check this for you.
joetheslug: So what i don't understand is that I filled in paperwork that suggested i could...the manager said it came under the terms of 'losing faith in the reliability of hte phone'
Georgina: As it was informed at the store, please do visit the store and they can only check this for you.
joetheslug: I realise this but who makes desiciions
joetheslug: decisions above the store manager...because he was happy to exchange, is it the area manager who over rides him?
joetheslug: The store manager has been instructed not to swap models but to give me another brand new Dell phone.
joetheslug: And if I get another Dell phone, and it goes wrong again, I will have to send it in again for another 2 weeks for a repair...then as with all other phones, it comes back and dies on me. I then have to have another Dell and so the cycle goes on unti my contract runs out and I have q broken phone that yo don't have to bother with
joetheslug: Will O2 be totting up the weeks i didn't have a phone and compensate me?
joetheslug: Seeing as you can see when I haven't had a phone
Georgina: I completely understand this. If the phone will be sent for repair for repair, you can ask for replacement handset.
joetheslug: But i keep getting faulty handsets
Georgina: I know this must be trouble for you. I'd have checked it for you if it was possible for me. However only the concerned team can check this for you.
joetheslug: Sorry check what?
joetheslug: You mean faults
Georgina: yes
joetheslug: Surely O2 have to provide a handset fit for purpose...and after 3 faulty models there might be a sneaky suspision that this model is not fit for purpose
joetheslug: Thats why O2 have sold many of them
joetheslug: So to sum up: O2 will just continue to send me Dell Streak handsets,and attempt to repair them, until my contract runs out.
joetheslug: I am not being unreasonable sayin this after 3 handsets
Georgina: Well the handset needs to be checked. We can make sure that other handset will not create any problems'
Georgina: I agree.
joetheslug: But that is what i ws told after 2 handsets
Georgina: Okay
joetheslug: I just can't understand why this could continue for another 2 or three hand sets which would take me upto renewal date
Georgina: If you want I can check the account and check when you can upgrade your contract.
joetheslug: Believe it or not this is my first contract phone...its been just a nightmare
joetheslug: November
joetheslug: thats why 2 or 3 handsets would bring me to the end of my contract
joetheslug: Can I get compensation for the times without a phone?
joetheslug: my contract phone
Georgina: I can place the notes on your account and we'll credit for the period in which the handset will be sent for repair. This is the only thing I can help you with.
joetheslug: Ok G i will let you get on...but who can I talk to about my situation or are you saying that there is no negotiation on the point...I have to put up with a dodgy make of phone.
joetheslug: Is it the area manager
joetheslug: Shop manager agreed with me, but someone above said no
joetheslug: Paul is away on holiday next week
joetheslug: he is tha manager
Georgina: I will place the notes of your chat on your account.
joetheslug: OK, so who do i speak to? or is that a waste of time?
joetheslug: Repair dept are not the people...who makes the decisions
Georgina: You will be contacted in 24 hours. I will send the details to the concerned team.
Georgina: Is there anything else I can help you with?
joetheslug: No
joetheslug: thanks for your time
Georgina: Thanks for chatting with me. Have a nice day.
joetheslug: ttfn
Message 2 of 27

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Well it seems that if you get a faulty phone, tough, O2 will repair it, and repair it, and repair it, (even replace it with the same model) for the full duration of you contract.
Message 3 of 27

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I have to say, and please don't be offended as this is meant as constructive criticism, you are dreadful at complaining. If you read through that you'll see several times where you ignored what the other person was typing (and in two cases later asked for information you had already been given). Never ask rhetorical questions or questions based on an assumption you have made.
So what do you do now?
First of all, wait for the repair team to contact you and clearly explain the situation. If they are unable to help then don't argue, discuss but don't argue.
If they can't help then use the Complaints Review Service. Put a very brief statement of your position and then clear, concise factual details of what has happened. Stay unemotional and don't muddy the waters by asking irrelevant questions. End the email/letter with a straightforward statement of how you want it resolved. Now, get someone to check it makes sense (or leave it and come back a few hours later)
So yours might say:
Account Number: x x x x x
Phone Number: x x x x x x
Email x x x x x
After repeated repairs, replacements and inconvenience I no longer wish to have another Dell Streak.
It was bought. . . .
First Repair. . . .
Second. . . . Replaced
Third. . . .
Shop manager at branch x x x said I should receive a replacement and was asked to choose three equivalent models. This replacement was refused at a higher level.
To resolve this I would like the Dell Streak replaced with a xxxx or a yyyy or a zzxx.
e email/letter with a straightforward statement of how you want it resolved. Now, get someone to check it makes sense (or leave it and come back a few hours later)
So yours might say:
Account Number: x x x x x
Phone Number: x x x x x x
Email x x x x x
After repeated repairs, replacements and inconvenience I no longer wish to have another Dell Streak.
It was bought. . . .
First Repair. . . .
Second. . . . Replaced
Third. . . .
Shop manager at branch x x x said I should receive a replacement and was asked to choose three equivalent models. This replacement was refused at a higher level.
To resolve this I would like the Dell Streak replaced with a xxxx or a yyyy or a zzxx.
Message 4 of 27

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Thanks for this prking, no offence taken at all.
The conversation online I had was too late at yes it is unclear in parts and its slow so as I wrote things answers would appear part way through me typing.
Anyway, thanks for your reply which is very helpful. I will definitely be following the process you recommend as it is concise and clear...
Where do I find the complaints review service? (I will do a search on O2 site). Found:)
I will post the results at some point.
Thanks again prking
Message 5 of 27

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Good luck with it. There is a further step you can take if the complaint review service are unable to help.
Message 6 of 27

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Just noticed that the forum software mangled my post above - sorry about that, time they got some proper software!
Message 7 of 27

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Well I got a reply this afternoon...
They have offered refurbished phone replacement from the following phones...
HTC Desire S
HTC Mozart
Nokia E72
Nokia C7
Nokia N8
Nokia E7
Samsung Galaxy S1
Samsung Wave 2
Samsung Wave 723 Prato
LG Optimus
HTC Wild Fire
Nokia 6700 Slide Silver
Nokia 6700 Slide Pink
Nokia C5
Nokia C3-01
Nokia C6-01
Samsung Solid Immerse
Samsung Monte
Samsung Wave 525 Scotia
Samsung Europa
Samsung Galaxy Mini Black
Samsung Galaxy Mini White
Samsung Galaxy Ace
Sony Eric X8

Which one would you go for as I have no idea about phones.
Is this a reasonable offer or should i try my luck again with a Dell Streak?
The other option is to contact Dell if the phone goes wrong again...
What do you think...hmmmmm! I am not sure...
I have pointed out that I paid £59 originally to have the Dell Streak.
Message 8 of 27

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What do you need the phone to do?
I have the samsung S5620 (Monte) and find it pretty good for my needs. Can get facebook, emails, google (search, maps etc), a decent enough camera/video facility as well as (v important to me) wifi! It's about a year old now (has the occassional issue and freezes once every now and then but quickly reboots itself), bought it sim free for £100 last year and is now retailing at about £60 on PAYG I think.
I reckon most of those phones are worthwhile but it just depends on exactly what you require from your phone slight_smile
Message 9 of 27

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To be fair to the Dell Streak, it was doing lots...
Diary for work
SONOS controller
Everything really except phone calls really...I don't use it much for that...
I'm thinking, after all this, try another Streak...
If it goes wrong again then contact Dell not O2...
I have all the accessories you see; The Samsung S2 is the closest thing to it really, maybe the Sam. S1 not sure about all the others.
If only it would play the game and not go wrong.
You never know 4th time lucky slight_smile
Message 10 of 27