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Billed £400 for airtime, after paying off device plan and requesting account to be closed.

Not applicable

Hello all


I took out two o2 refresh contrracts a while ago, and paid off the device plans in full, requesting for both to be cancelled with immediate affect.


The next month, a direct debit payment was taken from my account for over £400. I called o2 and they advised that this was an error and I should call my bank and request a charge back, which I did.


The account was then closed (as far as I was aware, I didn't here back).


Roll on to my current mortgage application, where I had very good credit and the offer had to be extended. I failed the check due to poor credit, as a result of two payments in arrears for o2 wanting the £400! I logged in to my o2 account, and i have no bill oustanding. Both accounts are closed.


I am now waiting forr a reply within 10 days of my email to the referrals team. I could lose the house if this isn't rectified, costing me around £2000 in solicitor fees...all because of an o2 error.


I really need a letter confirming that this is being rectified and that I wasn't at fault, as it could take weeks for my Experian report to be updated.


Any help or advice on how I can speed this up would be greatly appreciated slight_smile


Many thanks


Message 1 of 24

Not applicable

Hello @Toby and others


O2 have finally rectified the issue. It took over 2 weeks from my first email to the credit files team. Originally they just settled my o2 account, and they advised that my credit file would follow but when I chased (again) this had not actually been addressed.


I received an email from the credit files team acknowledging my complaint, and they agreed that it was of course an error on their part.


They have offered me a credit of £50 which is very generous, however it doesn't make up for the weeks of stress for myself and my family, the now £800 on rent and storage for some of our belongings, and the fact that we won't now be in our house for Christmas. 


I suppose life could be worse, but this has been the most frustrating thing I've been through! 


I would like to thank all of you for your advice. Unfortunately this is not the first time this has happened with o2 (a quick Google showed me a newspaper article with a very similar topic...), and the letter that I received did not identify what o2 plan to do to avoid this happening to other customers. 

Message 21 of 24

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There's hundreds of similar complaints on here too.
It's pathetic really....
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 22 of 24

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This happens to far too many customers I'm afraid and O2 seem to be very uncaring about the effect on a person's credit rating and all the resulting problems that people face through their incompetence. I just wonder if anything is actually done internally to people not doing their jobs correctly....

Message 23 of 24

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Hi @Anonymous,

I'm so glad the issue is rectified but apologies for the amount of time it took. I shall also make sure your thoughts and feedback on the whole process is passed on so that we can see what we can do to improve.

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Message 24 of 24