on 22-02-2020 20:30
From the "My Account" page, I click on "View My Bill" and get a page with "O2" in large letters and nothing else. Any ideas, please?
on 22-02-2020 21:05
See if this helps Guide: How do I get to the 'Download Bill' page?
on 24-02-2020 14:08
on 24-02-2020 14:30
on 24-02-2020 14:30
Hello Marjo
I managed to prepare the invoice as a pdf for download and save my email address as the destination as it was originally, but nothing else seems to then happen. I used to get an email with the download shortly after requesting the invoice.
Thanks for investigating. I got quite a bit further along this time
on 24-02-2020 14:40
on 24-02-2020 14:40
This time I was successful by clicking on the "invoice ready" link which displayed the pdf which I could then download.
Thank you Marjo