on 29-10-2014 11:11
on 29-10-2014 11:11
hi please can anyone help i have lost some personal photos on my iphone 5s most photos are there and some deleted any way i can retrieve lost photos even if i have not backed up my iphone to icloud or i tunes i despratly need these photos back help plz
on 29-10-2014 11:17
Is the phone set up to automatically back up to icloud? If so they should be retrievable. If not they probably aren't but maybe someone more knowledgeable in iphones can answer with certainty.
on 29-10-2014 11:20
hi thanks for your reply i have looked in icloud and itunes all old and new pics there but not the one that mean so much to me ??
on 29-10-2014 11:28
on 29-10-2014 11:28
on 29-10-2014 11:31
on 29-10-2014 11:31
A quick google comes up with these which I haven't used so can't recommend.