on 11-01-2013 14:56
on 11-01-2013 14:56
on 11-01-2013 18:51
on 11-01-2013 18:51
11-01-2013 20:42 - edited 11-01-2013 20:51
11-01-2013 20:42 - edited 11-01-2013 20:51
@Anonymous wrote:
£3 paid to assemble the iPhone !
Really. ?
I was a bit low, it's gone up to $8 a phone now, what's that about a fiver each?
Here's a breakdown of the parts costs:
and here:
on 11-01-2013 20:47
on 11-01-2013 21:32
what will they do once they run out of numbers? use the alphabet like sony ericsson do the iphone a-z
on 11-01-2013 22:59
on 11-01-2013 22:59
on 12-01-2013 04:56
12-01-2013 06:53 - edited 12-01-2013 06:54
12-01-2013 06:53 - edited 12-01-2013 06:54
Apple like other businesses cannot stand still and nor do the competition.
If they did they would soon stagnate !
After all they are all in business to make money.
I prefer the way Apple decide to release one handset or idevice every year instead of the scores the others do.
Blackberry and Samsung for example are regularly releasing handsets with slight technical and aesthetically different models. Flood the market and hope it takes off.
The rumours regarding apple releasing different colour and different screen sized iPhones is just that as far as I'm aware.
Time will tell.
I personally find it amusing to read the competition some owners revel in between iOS and android phones which kind of reminds me of the same rivalry between x box and playstation 3 gamers !
I know four iPhone 5 users myself being the fifth who do not have any issues regarding the "scuff gate" although I'm not ignorant enough to accept that others have.
Mac Rumors have enough live threads on that one !
The problem with apps is that there's just too much dross out there. Trivial apps that are just for fun and don't have a long term use.
I've not used 'app world' for the android user but I'd hazard a guess its not far off being alike to Apples App Store.
Xlisegray I would be really interested to view your facts and figures regarding your statement on paid for apps.
Happy days.
on 12-01-2013 11:13
on 12-01-2013 11:13
looks like the original article that sparked the no cheap iphone has now been withdrawn http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-20986550