on 11-11-2012 15:15
on 11-11-2012 15:15
Hi - first time here and I hopes somebody can help.
I have an Iphone 4s. Up until recently it worked fine but recently if I send somebody a text message most people receive it as an email sent from my phone number.
It has my phone number as the sender and the receiver gets an email from me saying something like "you have received a picture message" from and my phone number.
Can anybody advsise what I need to do to fix ths please.
I have researched this on the net but nothing I've done so far seems to make it work.
Thanks for your help
Solved! Go to Solution.
on 11-11-2012 22:11
stuart1983, have you tried turning iMessage back on to see if the problem has gone away ?
zigandzag, have you also tried deleting your message history of the problem contact ?
The reason why I say this is because with iMessage, as soon as you send a non iMessage, it will create a new message history of your contact for SMS messages. You may see some blue iMessages in that history above the green SMS, but any further messages in that history will all be SMS/MMS messages.
You should also see 2 message history for that contact, 1 for iMessages and 1 for SMS/MMS. The SMS/MMS should be the latest one if the last message from your phone went as an SMS or MMS.
Now the fact that you say your friends are receiving emails, should only happen if you are sending MMS and their phone can't receive them, so it doesn't sound like the scenario I described above.
Have you asked your friends to send you a text or iMessage if they have an iPhone to see how it gets to you ?
on 11-11-2012 22:24
yeah it was fine when i turned back on. it comes up with the email address of the sender
on 12-11-2012 13:19
Hi Buffbuff thanks for the reply.
Yes I have tried deleting my message history for all problem contacts - it didnt work.
I dont have a problem receiving messages at all - its just sending out that is the problem.
on 12-11-2012 17:53
In Setting => Messages => Send & Receive, is your phone number ticked under Start new conversations from ?
on 12-11-2012 20:00
Yes in "Send & Receive" my phone number is in there as the default.
I cannot see the box entitled "Start new conversations from"?
on 13-11-2012 00:00
Ok, that's because you have only activated iMessage with your phone number and you're not using an Apple ID as well. I use an Apple ID as well as my phone number for iMessage and it gives me a Start New Conversations from section.
Don't worry about that now.
Is there an email address as well as your phone number showing in the You can be reached by iMessage at section ?
on 13-11-2012 10:45
Hi Buffbuff thanks for your attempts at sorting this - I am very grateful.
In the "You can be reached at" boxes there are my 3 email addresses as well as my mobile number - but only the mobile number is ticked.
Thank you
on 13-11-2012 12:36
Take off the email addresses & that should do it
on 13-11-2012 12:48
No problem, however your iMessage is not setup as I would expect and I would like to try and understand what you are trying to achieve. Please can you tell me
1. Why you setup the 3 email addresses in iMessage ?
2. Do you have an iPad or Mac and want to receive iMessages on those devices ?
3. Do you use any of the email addresses as an Apple ID for anything ?
4. Do you have an iCloud account ?
on 13-11-2012 12:53
Hi both - again very grateful for your patience...
1 I dont know! I didn't set my phone up - I have removed them all now
2 Ipad yes - and yes would like to receive IMessages on that too
3 Yes one of the email addresses is used for my Apple ID
4 Yes - iCloud account is set up - but I have never used it.
Hope that helps - and thanks again.