on 23-10-2012 15:13
on 23-10-2012 15:13
Following on from the extensive iPhone 5 pre-orders thread which contains very useful information regarding other community members experiences (and lies) regarding their iPhone 5 delivery I and others thought it time we had a factual thread containing just the relevant information to help people, like me, still waiting for their new device!
So please post just the basic factual information:
1/ The date the phone was ordered.
2/ The method of ordering - By Phone to Customer Services/Upgrades/Business/Retentions or Online or in person in an O2 Shop
3/ Model of phone - Colour and Size.
4/ Current Status - Awaiting Allocation, In progress, Despatched, Delivered!
Please post the information regardless of when those lucky people who already have their phones actually received them and those of us who are STILL waiting can repost with any updates they have following chats with Guru's CS and others (but please keep it brief). Once you have posted that you have received your phone please do not repost the same information. Hopefuly this will keep the thread brief and factual and become a good resource for others over the next few weeks as clearly ringing O2 achieves nothing!
Let me kcik things off:
1/ Ordered 21st September 7.10am
2/ Via Business Retentions over the phone
3/ White 32GB
4/Awaiting Allocation - STILL after 4 weeks and 4 days!
on 26-10-2012 14:32
on 26-10-2012 14:32
Getting fed up with this now!!!
1/ Ordered 25th September approx 1pm
2/ Via Business Retentions over the phone
3/ White 16GB
4/ a couple of texts, nothing else
on 27-10-2012 11:18
on 27-10-2012 11:18
hi guys,
u still waiting on delivery?
on 28-10-2012 14:10
on 28-10-2012 14:10
on 28-10-2012 17:30
on 28-10-2012 17:30
Call them! Twitter them and online chat with em, just tell them to give u a realistic time at least, dont fall for the 12 weeks, thats just the text book ans they seem to be giving people now
on 29-10-2012 10:12
I've been doing that on a weekly basis!!!
I think because I'm (a) a business renewal and (b) on a monthly contract rather than lease I'm for some reason pushed to the back of the queue which is terrible.
What's the twitter account?
on 29-10-2012 15:19
Having been told on Friday that my phone had been picked up by the courier for delivery today I was advised to phone on Saturday for a tracking number.
This I did and was told that there was no tracking number available as there was no physical stock to allocate to my order. Although I was no longer on back order she said I may have to wait a little longer................Needless to say I lost it with her for the first time in this whole sorry process. Ended the call abruptly....MR ANGRY!:manmad:
Sunday.......another day another developement..........I receive a tracking number from UK Mail for delivery Monday between 9.00am and 12.00pm!
And yes earlier today it finaly arrived,:smileyhappy: no dents, scratches or chips and all in order apart from the nano sim I swapped into my 4 a couple of weeks ago wouldn't work in the new 5 so I had to carry out another sim swap and wait a further couple of hours.
All seems fine and very nice but somehow the gloss of the new phone has been lost by the long delays!
So for the final time in this thread:
1/ Ordered 21st September 7.10am
2/ Via Business Retentions over the phone
3/ White 32GB
4/ FINALLY DELIVERED 29th October 11.00am!
on 30-10-2012 13:04
on 30-10-2012 13:04
So here's the latest chat with the unhelpful customer services team!!
Richard Moss: hi
Alfie: Hi my name is O2 : Alfie, how may I help?
Richard Moss: i phoned up and placed an order for a white iphone5 16gb on 25th september. i still don't have a delivery date but i keep seeing new customers having their phones delivered. what's going on?
Alfie: I am sorry to hear that you have not received your order yet, we are working to get this to you as soon as possible.
Alfie: We will keep you up to date by SMS when we have further information.
Richard Moss: that's the standard answer and it's rubbish
Alfie: We have had a higher demand for the iPhone 5 than expected and trying to get our orders out as soon as possible.
Richard Moss: you're giving phones to new customers rather than existing ones upgrading
Alfie: You can speak to our customer service team about it.
Richard Moss: i want to know where i am in the queue for receiving a new phone
Richard Moss: who are you then?
Alfie: I'm also from business customer service team however our customer service team over the phone takes the order for iPhone 5.
Richard Moss: i have already placed an order (xxxxxxx) so i don't need to place a new one
Richard Moss: i just want an update on that order
Richard Moss: if i phone up are they going to give me the same standard excuse you've just given me?
Alfie: Yes however they are the one who deals with iphone 5 queries.
Alfie: They'll be able to help you about the status of your order.
Richard Moss: really??? so let me get this straight - you're customer services but you can't check an order number and provide an update because it's a certain make of phone? is that what you're telling me?
Alfie: I can check if the order is placed on your phone however I won't be able to give you its status.
Richard Moss: but neither can the folks on the phone!!!! that's my point
Alfie: I see that we have taken your request for iPhone 5 on 25 September however the order for the same hasn't been placed due to non availability of the phone.
Alfie: I'd request you to speak to our customer service team once about it.
Richard Moss: what i don't understand is people placing an order for the same phone after me and receiving their phone already.
Richard Moss: and i also don't understand why you can't tell me (a) when you're getting new stock and (b) where i am in the queue. you're all one team!!!!
Alfie: I'm sorry we don't have any updates about the stock from the Apple as of now.
Richard Moss: ok so tell me why people who ordered after me got their phones before me
Alfie: Please be assured that we place the orders on first come first serve basis
Richard Moss: you quite clearly don't as i have seen on the O2 community!!!
Richard Moss: i suggest you have a look at this page....http://community.o2.co.uk/t5/Apple-iOS-Devices-iPhone-iPad/Help-for-those-seeking-their-iPhone-5-Del...
Richard Moss: you'll be on there soon because i'm going to paste this chat on there
30-10-2012 13:18 - edited 30-10-2012 13:18
30-10-2012 13:18 - edited 30-10-2012 13:18
Sorry mossy you are having so much trouble. It does seem a nightmare for most, esp business customers have to wait ages. The O2 twitter is here : O2 Twitter
Great news FullFatRR ... at last eh? You will have to come back and tell us what you think of the phone in the iPhone 5 first impressions section Hope it is worth the wait!
on 31-10-2012 12:49
Things seem to be getting better...ordered a black 16gb as an upgrade yesterday (up to 3 weeks wait when ordered)...
Today order is in progress and apparently dispatched...as I already have a parcel number on the order status page on my O2...didn't get a text yet though...
will keep you updated
on 31-10-2012 13:32
on 31-10-2012 13:32
That is great news. Just hide from the business customers Please let us know your thoughts on the phone, hope you like it