on 23-10-2012 15:13
on 23-10-2012 15:13
Following on from the extensive iPhone 5 pre-orders thread which contains very useful information regarding other community members experiences (and lies) regarding their iPhone 5 delivery I and others thought it time we had a factual thread containing just the relevant information to help people, like me, still waiting for their new device!
So please post just the basic factual information:
1/ The date the phone was ordered.
2/ The method of ordering - By Phone to Customer Services/Upgrades/Business/Retentions or Online or in person in an O2 Shop
3/ Model of phone - Colour and Size.
4/ Current Status - Awaiting Allocation, In progress, Despatched, Delivered!
Please post the information regardless of when those lucky people who already have their phones actually received them and those of us who are STILL waiting can repost with any updates they have following chats with Guru's CS and others (but please keep it brief). Once you have posted that you have received your phone please do not repost the same information. Hopefuly this will keep the thread brief and factual and become a good resource for others over the next few weeks as clearly ringing O2 achieves nothing!
Let me kcik things off:
1/ Ordered 21st September 7.10am
2/ Via Business Retentions over the phone
3/ White 32GB
4/Awaiting Allocation - STILL after 4 weeks and 4 days!
on 09-11-2012 23:58
on 09-11-2012 23:58
Ordered afternoon of 21stSep, two iPhone5's - 16gb + 32gb
via o2 Business retentions on the phone
Got text saying 16GB was available on Wednesday night
Got text saying 32GB was available tonight
got ukmail postcard today, sounds like it might be a phone (is that who o2 use and should they not have sent a text confirming dispatch ?)
hope that helps others decide about waiting longer, i know i would have appreciated the info
on 12-11-2012 14:27
on 12-11-2012 14:27
Cancelled order Saturday morning. Popped into local O2 shop Saturday afternoon (after checking stock online) and walked out 30 mins later with the desired phone and contract upgraded. Simples!!!
Only regret is I should have done it sooner 🙂
on 15-11-2012 18:19
on 15-11-2012 18:19
anybody still waiting for their business order to be delivered?