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Very slow 4G speed

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Hi, I am new to O2 (Switched over from Three, whom I was able to get 20-30mb 4G speed)


I got my new phone (Galaxy S8+) a few days ago, however I have noticed the 4G speed in Manchester (M4 4FB) is painfully slow - 0.9mb to be exact. I couldn't load anything on social media or youtube this morning, and when I tried to download an app it said estimated time 20 mins.


I spoke on live chat for an hour and half, during which I was transferred to the wrong department about 10 times, and asked to confirm security questions the same amount of times which was frustrating. I did everything they told me to do and the issue still remains.


My question is - where do I go from here? Can I just not have 4g on my phone? How long do I get to cancel my contract and return the device to O2?


Many thanks for any help


Message 1 of 56

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Indeed they do but as said in the post the link in an earlier reply will take you to it is PREDOMINATELY down to frequency bandwidths and capacities at certain operating frequencies that O2 use which isn’t capacity in the Truest sense of the word more an issue of capacity which is something slightly different. Don’t want to get too 🤓 But as you say occasionally it is down to other issues but these would tend to be temporary (site gone down/being upgraded etc) and not consistently the same every day in the same places.
Message 51 of 56

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You can look at the status page for problems yes, mast issues are normally on there with 24 hours. Easy to say congestion but you can only truly say that if signal varies during the day at specific times. If it doesn't vary then usually the problem  (status page having been checked) will never go away unless masts in the area are upgraded. 

If I had a persistent problem goings for weeks I would be complaining and making a case to leave O2 without penalty.

Message 52 of 56

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Hi Jonsie. This is an oldish post that seems to have taken on a whole new life and direction. All that you have said is true. But my understanding of the original post was problems with 4g in a city centre, which if taken in context my response and the link to a reply i put in another post provide some reasons for. I am not saying that it is an answer all, but in the majority of cases issues re getting on to 4g in town and city centres will be down to frequency bandwidth at the frequencies that o2 predominantly use for their 4g. I could get really nerdy but you would all lose the will to live. I have a great deal of professional experience in the voice over 4g arenas and POC arena as well as 26 years in the radio industry so believe me I could get REALLY nerdy 🤣🤣🤣🤪
Message 53 of 56

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I certainly agree @jezza1234 though I was answering the previous poster rather than addressing the title of the thread. 

.......and Manchester City centre is still  crap and entirely due to congestion on a network that badly that really need to launch their newly acquired bandwidth.  

....Newly? It's been months now. So the question has to be asked....why??

Message 54 of 56

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I've noticed really slow 4G speeds too.

Sometimes less than 0.5 M downstream which is like waiting on a dialup modem to pull a page down.
Best case scenario would be about 5 M downstream which is really low compared to my previous provider's 30-60 M.
Message 55 of 56

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My 4G data is so slow again as it's peak time. Takes forever to even load up a simple webpage. Surely this is a capacity issue?
Message 56 of 56