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Please stop Huawei miss information around a so called grace period.

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There is no 90 days grace.. Thats going to make things easier or make our phones work. Please stop supplying miss information.


The Huawei Ban happens in 90 days. its not a grace to save the worlds huawei phones.


Its a grace for the networks like O2 to provide and help their customers make other arrangements.


And ill bet that half if not all of your head staff of O2 are sitting in meetings going "what *** ****"


if O2 have sold 1 million huawei phones, then under UK law they must be replaced..


Banckruptcy time? 


Huawei have announced they are replacing the firmware on all their phones to their new OS. But not refunding the cost of phones or equipment to companies like O2? Anyone else see the conspiracy unravelling?


Lets be reasonable here and think logically, who wants Huawei software on there phones, which already has back doors and spyware, for use by a chinese government in state sponsered cyber terroism.


Its now fact, that even Vodaphone knew about these backdoors in Huawei equipment, they even kept it quiet to stop panic. And im sure if they knew. O2 knew..


Music Magpie today, dropped values on all Huawei phones by over 80% because they have UK citizens panic selling their phones which will be useless in 3 months..


Anyway, if O2 dont help me replace my phone Im going to ask permission to unlock the firmware and install my own Android rom..

Message 1 of 4

Level 56: Guvnor
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@StevenGW wrote:

Point 1.


if O2 have sold 1 million huawei phones, then under UK law they must be replaced..


Banckruptcy time? 


Point 2.


Lets be reasonable here and think logically, who wants Huawei software on there phones, which already has back doors and spyware, for use by a chinese government in state sponsered cyber terroism.



Point 1.

Which UK law?

If it's the "fit for purpose" element, then you're going to be out of luck.

Alphabet, Huawei and the lawmakers that have enacted this sanction, have ALL said devices already in the market will continue to be allowed access to Google services, you can still make calls, text, go online, buy games, download, pay, the only thing you will not receive is software updates and security updates from Google's build of Android, Huawei will provide security updates that are released on the AOSP.

software updates to add features such as android Q and beyond, are not guaranteed and are a bonus in today's smartphone world.


Point 2.

The same could have been said a year ago, you ALREADY have Huawei software on your device, this ruling won't magically alter the kind of software you are running.


This is a crappy situation sure, but to blame O2 for something completely out of their control, and that doesn't actually affect your current device is stretching it a bit far.

I myself would look at contacting Huawei and Google for their stance on devices currently in the field.

Message 2 of 4

Level 67: Unsung hero
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To further muddy the waters, the only "issues" that have been found are not in consumer devices (ie, phones) but corporate routers (network switches, routers, etc).
Reading a guardian article, the issue was raised by Vodafone in Italy and only there - not the UK, or Spain or anywhere else.
It also says that the issue was nearly 10 years ago!!

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Message 3 of 4

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Hey guys, 


We now have a Q&A on the Huawei situation live on the community. You can read the Q&A here. 


If you have any questions that are not answered in the Q&A please drop them in the thread and we'll do our best to get them answered for you. slight_smile

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