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JellyBean roll out Xperia S

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Hi all,


Sony mobile have confirmed the roll out of JellyBean has started for the Xperia S.


Although I should imagine it'll be a while before O2 customers see it, the ball is rolling!


Personally can't wait for the ftf to appear on certain websites so i can try it!


A plea to MI5 etc, those websites you use to see what firmware has been released on what networks/regions etc.... you don't happen to know the Sony one do you??





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Hi alex_ncfc85,

I'll be chasing for an update on that today, I know its frustrating to have to wait. Have you read up on what the update will include?

Cheers, Toby
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Message 101 of 121

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Thanks for replying back to me, it's much appreciated.


I have indeed read up on the update and it sounds more promising than the original Jelly Bean update Sony gave us back in June, not least because of better memory management which I've read about - I use a running app, Endomondo, which used to work fine and without issues on ICS, but now I'd say 8 times out of 10 I go for a run, the app just disappears - no error messages on my screen, no "endomondo has stopped responding and must close" etc - just goes away. So I am hopeful that an update will resolve this issue, even though it may not.


Another thing that infuriates me is the volume up key does not work almost 100% of the time on my current JB firmware, so an update is critical for me as I feel as though I am running my phone on reduced functionality.

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They sound like some useful additions.

As soon as I have more news, I'll let you know.

How are you finding the Xperia in general?
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Message 103 of 121

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If I am honest I am not finding using the Xperia S a pleasurable experience these days - the camera takes about 20 seconds to open sometimes, meaning a photo opportunity could be gone, and also whichever app I use, when I go back to my homescreen, it has to re-draw itself pretty much every single time, and I can't do anything with the phone until it's finished loading icons and re-drawing the screen! It just seems slow and sluggish, and it doesn't feel like a phone that's only a year and a half old. I've used a friends Samsung Galaxy S2, a phone a year older than the Xperia S and of a lower spec, and there are never any hang ups, slow downs, re-draws, stuttering of music or apps, even on Jelly Bean. Everything just moves so smoothly! My phone at the moment feels pretty unuseable at times, even as a phone! And there are times when you drag your finger across the screen and it takes forever to react. I don't know what Sony do to their phones/software, but it just feels like the phone isn't performing to its potential - I don't think I've ever seen the best of this phone.

It does disappoint me that Sony seem to have something against the Xperia S - they weren't even going to give us Jelly Bean, and the wait to finally receive the update was ridiculous. But you'd think in all that time that they would have been able to produce a polished update, but no, it's worse than it was when on ICS!

Thanks for looking into this situation. I have been told that O2 are doing "testing" on the new ROM release, but what testing needs to be done? Seems like a poor excuse to me. Even if there were problems with the ROM, it's not like O2 would be able to fix them, plus other networks have released this update, which would indicate there are no issues, so why are we still waiting?

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Thanks for the detailed reply Alex!

I know waiting is frustrating and I'll see if I can get some info about testing on top of the date of availability.

Cheers, Toby
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Message 105 of 121

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Any news Toby? Still no update for me.

Message 106 of 121

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Still no update for the One X for 4.2.2. It's a joke, with no info coming from O2.

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Know the feeling PhillPark - my mate has had 4.2.2 on that phone on EE for months.

What O2 need to do is have a chart/timetable of release schedules, even if it is estimates, for each handset, because it's ridiculous waiting so long for an update when it is clearly out there (this update for my Xperia S has been out for over a month!) but we are being held back - in my case, I am left with a buggy device that is sometimes too slow to even answer a phone call!

Not everybody wants to root their phone and flash custom ROMs.
Message 108 of 121

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Which is why I plan on jumping ship when my contract expires. Nexus & Giff Gaff for me !!
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Toby? Anybody? Any response?

The saga has taken a new turn, a friend of mine who has an Xperia S has an update notification - he is on O2 also. Yet still nothing for me! Just what exactly is O2's update roll out process? Do they roll it out to random phone numbers or what?! There can be no logical way of them doing it.

O2 are absolutely pathetic with updates and I think my mind has been made up...
Message 110 of 121