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Huawei no longer getting Android securityupdates.

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Google announced they're no longer working with Huawei. So this means no software updates including security updates.

I'm 1 month into a contract with a P30, would they let me swap handsets? Don't feel like going 2 years without feature or security updates!
Message 1 of 97

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@welshsteve76 wrote:

Is the whole thing just paranoia?  Or has anybody actually provided hard evidence that Huawei technology is a risk? Microsoft got away with releasing software with serious security issues for years.  I mean, they have their seriously flawed OS on about 75% of the world's desktop/laptop computers, got away with the awful Internet Explorer security issues for years etc etc.  But of course, Microsoft is Amercian, so that's ok because america saves the world on a daily basis thinking

@welshsteve76, as an American I couldn't have said it better myself thumbsup


As far as I'm aware, there is no hard evidence that Huawei is a Chinese Government tool. It's believed that using Huawei technology poses a serious security risk. Which is the 'BEE' in Trump's bonnet and the sole reason for the ban. 


Hopefully, before the 90 days are up, Trump will reach some sort of agreement with the Chinese. As @jonsie said America needs China, whether they're prepared to admit it or not.

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 81 of 97

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It's all just a smoking gun with no hard evidence as far as I'm aware, dreamt up by a fantasist.

Message 82 of 97

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THIS IS NOT! a smoke screen, no matter how any of the o2 staff on here try to cover it up.


Just Google "Huawei backdoor found"


Huawei, sponsored the chinese government in targetting western networks and comunication, to aid in spying on the west..


This is an invasion of our privacy.. This I did not sign up for when I purchased the phone mate 20 pro.

And maybe just maybe Huawei have pulled the wool over everyones eyes including O2..

To sponsor Chinese state terrorism...


This is not about phones, its about stiffing everyone is the west.. 100 million phones from Huawei alone.. 


And all this is allowing intel off the hook too. Google "Zombieload"

Message 83 of 97

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I heard about Huawei's questionable practices years ago.
Hence never buying huawei
Message 84 of 97

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Registered: are extremely misinformed. What you said is going to happen quite simply isnt. For your information I ordered a p30pro 512gb TODAY with ee. Huawei will provide security updates, they have pledged this. You wont lose google apps nor playstore as it is an EXISTING model. The only thing you wont get is new version of android os when it comes out. But honestly, regarding android os new version, so what? Most phones only get one android new version upgrade anyway before they drop from the update cycle. My p10plus wont go further than android 8 and I have no issues with it.

The phones that will be locked out of google are as yet UNRELEASED new models. So even p30s etc in warehouses are not affected by this.

Message 85 of 97

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Message 86 of 97

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@StevenGW wrote:

THIS IS NOT! a smoke screen, no matter how any of the o2 staff on here try to cover it up.


Just Google "Huawei backdoor found"


Huawei, sponsored the chinese government in targetting western networks and comunication, to aid in spying on the west..


This is an invasion of our privacy.. This I did not sign up for when I purchased the phone mate 20 pro.

And maybe just maybe Huawei have pulled the wool over everyones eyes including O2..

To sponsor Chinese state terrorism...


This is not about phones, its about stiffing everyone is the west.. 100 million phones from Huawei alone.. 


And all this is allowing intel off the hook too. Google "Zombieload"

@StevenGW you may well be right, I admit I wasn't aware of this. And if you are right, I'm so glad I didn't purchase a Huawei phone.


But can I please correct one  comment you make, specifically "no matter how any of the o2 staff on here try to cover it up". We are not O2 staff. We are all customers like yourself. And we are covering up nothing but simply expressing our understanding of the situation like you. I don't claim to having any more knowledge than I have read or seen on the news. 


Any O2 staff who may comment on here have the fact they work for O2 clearly stated in their signature.


Just wanted to make that point clear that our comments are as customers only, and certainly not as a cover up for O2 to whom we have absolutely no connection or loyalty. Our opinions are our own and just that, opinions not fact.

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 87 of 97

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usa state terrorism is ok though? remember what edward snowden said about google, apple, the nsa? How many innocent people has the usa killed since ww2? At least 20 million.

Message 88 of 97

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@Class40 wrote:

usa state terrorism is ok though? remember what edward snowden said about google, apple, the nsa? How many innocent people has the usa killed since ww2? At least 20 million.

Really fail to see what that has to do with Huawei and the US?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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I don't think this is the place to be discussing such things in all honesty. Who spies on who or which super power is to blame doesn't change anything and the arguments can go on forever. This isn't a political soap box.

Message 90 of 97