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Welcome to our new look community!

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Hey everyone, 


Unless you're very new to the community you've likely noticed a few changes to how the forum looks this morning. As we announced yesterday the O2 community has been upgraded! In addition to the new look there are several new features, some requested and a few new ones for good measure. 😄


New home page 


Starting at the top we have a new integrated header for the community. The new header contains some useful links. On the left side you have a link to the main O2 site. 




You then have links to the O2 shop page > O2 help and support page > My O2 and your shop basket.




On the right of these links you will see your community notifications > private messages and your profile picture.




Clicking on your profile picture will bring up a drop down menu which contains the following... 




Directly below the header you will find the new community navigation! The community categories are listed here and if you hover over you will see a drop down of the different boards. 








The next level down is the community search bar and your latests stats and notifications! 





Below this is our new featured content widget. This is similar to Latest News section on the old home page but is in a much more prominent place than before. 


Screenshot 2021-08-05 at 09.56.08.png


Next is the new trending topics section which is a live feed of the most popular conversations happening in real time! 





Below to trending topics you will see the familiar Community Activity where you can see the latest topics and filter them by most recent > most viewed > most commented and most liked. 




Down at the bottom of the home page you will see a feed that highlights the most recent guides and reviews. If you hit the View All button it will take you to the guides and reviews category. 


Screenshot 2021-08-05 at 10.04.39.png


Finally the familiar community stats can be found at the very bottom of the page. 




New private messaging interface

We also have a brand new private message system which will display your message conversations in a threaded view so no more going back and forth between your inbox and outbox. Please note: Only messages exchanged after the upgrade goes live will be in the threaded view. 




Solution highlight 

The next new feature to talk about is floated solutions. When a solution is picked on a thread it will be highlighted at the top of the discussion for easy viewing. The solution will still be in it's proper position down the chain of messages. 




The new version has an updated text editor box for topics, replies and private messages. 





Please have a good look around the new community and let us know any feedback, questions or issues in the comments below! 


Issue log and updates: 


Text font and formatting - Fixed. To correct this please clear the cache on your bowser 


Signature cut off - Fixed. The hight of the signature box has been increased. 


Continuity problem on long topics - Fixed. This was an admin setting that has now been turned off 


Guide and review boards formatting issues - Fixed. We now have a tiled view for guides and reviews. 


Topics on the board level not sorting by most recent post -Fixed. The topics will now sort at the board level by most recent reply. 


Image gallery missing from profile page - Fixed. You can now find your image gallery on your profile page and the public image gallery of other members on their profile page. 


Increase emoji size - Fixed. The size of the emoji's in posts and messaging has now been increased. 


Add friends from member profile -Fixed. Add and remove friend has been added to profile pages. 


Missing options in text editor on mobile view (video link, quote and emoji’s) FixedQuotes and emoji's have been added to the mobile view text editor. Adding videos is not currently supported however this will be added in a future platform upgrade. 


Adding unanswered topics to homepage dropdown - FixedA widget for unread posts has been added to the home page. 


Guide links not working - FixedGuide links now take you directly to the guide page. 


Adding post count and views to replies Fixed. Post count and views have now been added.


Errors in footer formatting Fixed. We have now corrected all of the errors.


Topic first post is displayed on all pages of replies - Fixed. Now the OP is only visible on the first page of the thread.


Spell checker in text editor  - In progress. We have 2 different options for the spell checker. Inline, realtime or with the old style click to check for misspelled words. We'll decide this at a later date. 


Spell checker change from US English to UK English - Investigating


Your own posts showing in the unread message page - Investigating 


Clicking an unread message takes you to different unread message then highlighted - Investigating


Using male/female emoji’s adds extra emoji’s - Investigating


Quoting options - Closed. Unfortunately there is only one way of quoting on the current platform design.


Guides and Reviews slow loading times - Closed. There was no issue found in the loading times of guides and reviews.


“View all” for posts and replies option on member profile - Closed. Unfortunately this option cannot be added to the member profile. 


Cant see if sent messages have been read - Closed. Unfortunately this feature cannot be added to the new messaging system. 

COVID-19 support - Help and support from O2 during the lockdown
Access for You: Registration - Find out how to register for our Access for You service.
Just joined the community or thinking of registering? Check out this handy starter guide!
Have a query about your account? login to My O2 for help

If you'd like to take part, why not register? slight_smile

Message 1 of 611
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Signing out of MyO2, or the main O2 site, which also logs you off the Forum too, leaves you able to log back into Forum first without the dreaded error, @Cleoriff. This I have had to do a few times recently, trying to get the Volt offer details which apparently ...


My VM doppelganger must live at a different address from me, it seems, even though both O2 and VM are registered to the same me at the same address... 😡

Message 521 of 611

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Just for clarification, when I am on my PC which is 99% of the time, I didn't sign out of anything when I had the error this morning. Unlike a mobile I can have easily accessible tabs open (in that I can see them all along the top of my PC)

So first thing as always, I log into the community and made a few posts.

My O2 is rarely touched unless I want to check something.

Today I did want to access My O2 (to check about bank details)

Now as this was within 30 minutes of signing into the community, I didn't have to sign into My O2. I clicked My O2 and I was in. When finished in My O2, I didn't sign out of it (I never sign out of My O2 at any time, I just close the tab)

When I clicked on the Community tabs I already had open, ie WRQ, Weather, and two others, I attempted to post. I got the error message. It was the same for the other 3 community tabs I had open.

I thought the community had gone down. I used Messenger to ask two other members if the community was down for them, when they said no, I restarted my PC and was able to log back onto the community without issue.

So as the only thing I did differently this morning was to access My O2, that MUST be the reason for the error messages and the problems I had being unable to post on the community. 

Edited to add: When I close down my PC at any time, I never log out of anything, let alone the Community. I just click on the X at the top right hand corner of PC and this shuts down every tab I have open.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 522 of 611

Not applicable

@Cleoriff I think the reason for the 500 error is because it has signed you out of the Community when you were entering another level of security, so when you try and post you are actually not signed in but it looks like you are.

Message 523 of 611

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Thanks for sharing your feedback on this issue @Cleoriff, @Anonymous, @pgn@MI5. It's been happening seemingly at random to myself and the other community managers. I've found clearing my cookies and cache for the past 7 days clears the error. 


We have a support ticket open for this and a potential fix ready to go but we need to run some testing first. I'll give you an update once the fix is live. 

COVID-19 support - Help and support from O2 during the lockdown
Access for You: Registration - Find out how to register for our Access for You service.
Just joined the community or thinking of registering? Check out this handy starter guide!
Have a query about your account? login to My O2 for help

If you'd like to take part, why not register? slight_smile

Message 524 of 611

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@Anonymous wrote:

@Cleoriff I think the reason for the 500 error is because it has signed you out of the Community when you were entering another level of security, so when you try and post you are actually not signed in but it looks like you are.

I think you are right @Anonymous particularly when the part of My O2 I entered sent me 2 texts. One was a security text and the 2nd one gave me the security code to enter the part I wanted. Once that happened, it must have signed me out of the community. (which is a bit stupid really!) 😂

@Martin-O2Clearing cookies and cache makes absolutely no difference whatsoever. It does appear to be a glitch with the security aspect of My O2.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 525 of 611

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The only way out of it is to close the tap and reopen it.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 526 of 611

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And @Martin-O2 wanted to know when the YT button in the bar above the text entry box went walkies - last evening on laptop it was fine, but this morning on Mobile, using Chrome and Ghostery in Desktop Site or Mobile view - nothing.

Then I did a seek and destroy in Chrome of any tabs open on the Forum, went to desktop mode in Chrome on mobile and tried again, and tadaaa...

Really not up to snuff, and no I did not get the login authentication error as I have learned not to open a signed-in tab to tho MyO2 or main O2 website on that browser (hence Ghostery browser on my mobile too).

Frustrating. And not what I expect from a Social Forum aimed at easing tensions... (mostly 😆).


Message 527 of 611

Not applicable

This is a new one to me (Maybe already mentioned not sure)

No biggie, but when ever I try and place a post on any thread: The forth line has a dotted line going through the text, it doesn't show up once posted but it's distracting all the same. 


Today and all this weekend, I'm finding the site intermittently very slow with some pages not loading for ages.  



Message 528 of 611

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I don't experience the error you have but will agree the community is slow loading pages. For instance my reply to you, I pressed reply and nothing happens except the reply button fades and share appears. Just when you are ready to give up the ghost the reply box appears. Also the same if you hit the lower reply tab. Extremely slow.

Clearing cache and cookies can't be the answer as every other site I use, FB, Amazon, etc etc etc, responds quickly and with no issues.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 529 of 611

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@Anonymous wrote:

This is a new one to me (Maybe already mentioned not sure)

No biggie, but when ever I try and place a post on any thread: The forth line has a dotted line going through the text, it doesn't show up once posted but it's distracting all the same. 





I`ve had the same issue since Thursday, not only when typing to post and/or replying to post, but also when writing and/or replying to pm. Annoying and distracting...  

- note: the space between quote and my post is where line ...... runs across full width - before clicking post.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 530 of 611