- last edited on
The discount scam is the one we're seeing most, we are still seeing reports of all the same previous scams we highlighted in our other updates - so please review that update to help refamiliarise yourself with them. The newer variants ask the customer to change their password to 'Updatemyo2' so please be extra vigilant.
As a reminder and more information on the discount scam, see the below section from our previous update More info
If you receive a call from anyone offering you a 40% discount on your O2 mobile, please hang up immediately. It's a scam. These have again been around for a while, but we're starting to see it in more use by scammers. There seems to be various numbers being used for this scam and they seem to change often, but recent example calls we're aware of have come from these numbers: 01288 449676, 02844 776840, 0333 0119140, 01288 449676. The caller will offer you a 40% discount and in the current climate, we can see how this may catch some customers out. Please do not be tempted as this is not something we offer. If you continue the call, the caller will likely then attempt one of the following: 1) Make use of social engineering to extract more personal details from you, sometimes including your bank account details. This will be used to commit bank or identity fraud or similar 2) They will send you a one-time authorisation code which they'll ask you to repeat back. With this, they then have access to your account to perform various tasks including a sim swap, or to order new devices in your name. So you know, we'll never call, text or email you and ask for a one-time code, password, or other security information. Please report these calls by texting CALL to 7726. Please also see our website for more advice. For absolute clarity, the discounts we currently have available are shown below, but in a nut shell, we have no discount propositions that offer 40%. Any claim otherwise is a scam. 1) O2 Staff Discounts - These are of course reserved for staff only, and nobody will ever contact you to offer you this 2) O2 Friends & Family Discounts - These are again reserved only for friends and family of staff members. This is not something that would be offered to customers 3) O2 Open Discounts - To qualify for O2 Open, you need to work for an eligible company. The discount itself is set at 25%. You can find more info here. 4) Student Discount - As a student you’ll get 20% off your Airtime Plan when you buy a connected phone or tablet. You can find more info here. 5) Multisave Discount - Get 20% off the Airtime Plan of every new eligible Pay Monthly connection you add to your account. You can find more info here.
Received a suspicious SMS or Email? There's no need to contact us. See below hints and tips for spotting these scams, and what to do with them.
We often see reports from customers who believe that they may be at risk from fraudsters trying to dupe them into sharing their personal information. These types of scams are known as phishing or smishing – a form of fraud which impersonates a company in order to steal sensitive information such as login, bank or other personal details. We’ve pulled together some information to help you identify these scams and keep your information safe.
What is it?
Phishing or Smishing is when fraudsters attempt to get hold of sensitive information such as usernames, passwords or bank details by pretending to be a trustworthy source in emails (Phishing) or texts (Smishing). These scams work by sending you an email or text that looks like it’s from your bank, service provider or other company, usually asking you to visit a fake website that looks real. If at this point you try logging in, or provide any info, fraudsters will attempt to use that info to commit fraud in your name.
What are you looking for?
As with many scams, it begins with an email or text. Some of these may be from scammers pretending to be O2, and may alert you to an unpaid or overdue bill, and will include a link to pay or ‘view your bill’. This messaging is designed to panic recipients into clicking the link to view the bill.
Clicking the link will either direct you to a fake website or in some cases, download Malware to your computer. The most common type of phishing email will direct you to a fake website and ask you to enter your login details. Malware can be used for a number of things – for example, it could record your keystrokes, enabling fraudsters to piece together even more personal information and login details.
Signs of a Phishing or Smishing Scam
It’s often easy to spot a scam. Be on the lookout for:
Here are some examples of Phishing emails:
Here are some examples of Smishing texts:
What to do
If you’re suspicious about an email you’ve received and it's pretending to be from O2, please send it onto our team to be looked into. DO NOT click on any links. It’s important that we see examples of phishing emails and websites so we can investigate and shut down scammers. To report a suspicious email or website:
To report a suspicious text pretending to be from O2, forward the original message to 7726. You may get an automated response thanking you for the report and giving you further instructions if needed. You will not be charged for sending texts to 7726.
Alternatively, if your phone supports SPAM reporting (currently available if you have an Android device using the Google Messenger App, but others will be available soon), then press the SPAM button to automatically forward the message to 7726. For more info about phishing from our support pages, click HERE.
For more info and advice on how to safeguard against fraud, visit the Fraud Advisory Panel.
For more info on spam texts click here.
We'll update this thread regularly, as and when there are new scams you should be aware of, or we want to share any details that will help ensure you don't fall foul to scammers.
⚠️ DECEMBER 2022 UPDATE - Christmas Scammers ⚠️
Hello everyone. It's been a while since my last update on this thread, but the truth is that scams are still here and they've never gone away or even reduced in numbers. All the same scams you've already seen are still in circulation so it's important to always remain vigilant. That said, we have seem some newer examples and variants of existing scams, as well as some new ones that we wanted to highlight.
Government / Energy Bill Scams
This is a new one we've started to see. The reason we're highlighting this is because we're in the midst of a cost of living crisis that's impacting us all - individuals, families and businesses alike - and with the various energy bill support and initiatives that are available, some may not think twice about clicking the link in this text. Don't!
O2 Discount Scams (40% discount phone call scam)
Conversational Scams
This is a new one to us, and is FAR more involved and manual so we can't imagine these are being sent in any large quantity compared to the usual dodgy link / multiple typo scams you're used to.
As you can see there's a little social engineering going on, relying on the Mum asking if it was 'xyz' to which the scammer replies yes. They're careful to focus on the 'accident' only. The scammer then goes on to request cash to help them out. Needless to say, the real Leah was involved in no such incident and did not ask (or receive) ant money... But the scammer did.
How did this happen? It's impossible to say for sure, but one possibility is that at some point the real Leah installed a malicious app (or clicked a malicious link) that collected certain details. From those details, a scammer may have built a profile including the name of the phone owner, their contact details, their favourite contacts etc. Another possibility is that it was a shot in the dark from a scammer and when the mother asked 'Is this you Leah?', that was their foot in the door - making the conversation feel genuine so as to not raise suspicion and get them closer to completing their scam - getting money, or getting valuable banking or personal info.
What should you do in this situation? There's always a chance something like this is 100% real, but scammers are cunning and deceptive. In this case, if you were the mother, then ideally you would call Leah on her real number. Chances are you'd likely have got through to her and quickly realised you were being scammed. Don't be afraid to challenge back and ask them to prove they are who they say they are - a phone call to confirm their voice for example, when was the last time you met, or something only the real Leah would know.
O2 Related SMS Scams - Latest bill / Termination / PAC
These have been around for a long time and unfortunately, they will probably be around forever. Scams evolve but at the heart, they're all the same and they're all designed to make you panic. We're all so reliant on our mobile these days that the thought of there being an issue may make some recipients panic and tap links without thinking. Here's some of the latest examples we've seen
At least two things all of the above 'O2 scams' have in common are:
Other / Generic SMS Scams
It's not just scammers targeting customers to make them think their mobile service will be disconnected either - these scammers are also targeting banking related services too such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, or pretending they're the bank themselves and their card has been suspended. Similar to above, these are designed to incite panic and make you react on a whim, without thinking about the legitimacy of the text.
If you receive any texts like the ones shown above in this update, the important things to check are:
What should you do if you believe you've been sent a scam SMS?
If your phone supports SPAM reporting then you may have an option to report the text as spam which will do the above task for you. If your device doesn't have a SPAM reporting functionality, see below for an alternative method to report this to us.
Alternatively, to report a suspicious text pretending to be from O2, forward the original message to 7726. You may get an automated response thanking you for the report and giving you further instructions if needed. You will not be charged for sending texts to 7726.
It's been a couple months since our last update, but that doesn't mean these scammers and fraudsters have given up or slowed down - far from it. Scammers are always looking for ways to get unsuspecting users to click on dodgy links, visit fake websites, or dupe you into giving out personal info.
'Flubot' looks like it's on the rise again and this time with a twist.
First, a quick recap on how Flubot 1.0 (SMS) works:
What's changed with Flubot 1.1 / 2.0? It's important to note that Flubot 1.0 is still in circulation and you could be sent one of those, or potentially one of these new ones from Flubot 1.1 / 2.0:
Please remain vigilant when receiving an SMS or MMS. If it's not from someone you know, or a business/company you're familiar with, then be cautious and think twice before opening any links. And even if it is from somebody you know, be cautious of any dubious looking links - it's possible your friends phone could be infected and it sent you one of the links.
We have seen news and media reports of a zero click malware vulnerability within iOS that has been patched with the latest iOS 14.8 update. Please see more info below and update your devices as soon as possible to stay safe and secure.
This week Apple has released an emergency software update for all iPhone, iPad and Mac users, to prevent the use of a 'zero-click malware'. A zero-click attack is especially devious as it means a user has no chance to catch the attack because it requires no action on the user’s part to trigger it - it’s not like a phishing email or smishing sms where the user has to click on a link or download a piece of malware.
Whilst alarming, we don’t need to panic, as these types of attacks tend to be very targeted, and in the past have been used to access messages on specific and targeted individuals, like a journalist’s or politician’s device.
Simple – you should update your device to the latest update as soon as possible.
We know Flubot has been in the news more recently due to it becoming a heavily used form of smishing by these scammers, so we want to update you with more information on what Flubot is, how to spot it, and how to stay safe. See full update below for more info.
Flubot scam - What is it?
Flubot is a text message scam. It is part of a large scale smishing attack using a malware named Flubot. Currently it is only impacting Android devices, and is downloaded under the guise of a tracking app or a message with a link to retrieve a voicemail which is installed when you click on the attached link.
If you install the app the malware is then able to take over your device and this allows more infected SMS to be sent to contacts within your device without your knowledge.
Please be aware that if you do install the app, your contacts and your banking apps may have been accessed by the fraudster.
If you have received the message but not clicked on the link and downloaded the app, you can report the message to 7726 and then delete it.
If you have downloaded the app and believe your device has been infected, you will need to remove the malware from your device and you can do this by following the actions recommended by the National Cyber Security Centre, which is to perform a factory reset on your device, which will wipe the device and remove the malware. To carry out a factory reset, please visit the National Cyber Security Centre’s website and search on the text “flubot guidance”. You should NOT perform a back-up to reinstall anything on your device after the factory reset, as that will also reinstall the malware.
Other options that MAY be available are:
I believe my device is infected – What should I do ?
Please forward the original text message to 7726
If we have identified that your device may be infected by Flubot as part of the monitoring of our network, we may bar your outgoing SMS in order to protect you, your contacts, and our network. To have this SMS bar removed, please follow the advice below on how to remove the malware. Once you have done this please contact customer services
If you advise us that you have removed the malware but this has not been completed, the outgoing SMS bar is likely to be reinstated.
If you have incurred charges to your bill due to Flubot, this will be reviewed and where applicable these charges will be credited back to your account.
However, if you advise us that you have removed the malware and this has not been completed, and you continue to incur costs due to Flubot you may be liable for these charges.
We have seen a number of new examples of the Flubot scam and are taking actions to protect customers from these. We have also made an upgrade to 7726 to make it easier to report calls.
We have had reports of a new variant of the Flubot issue and wanted to highlight what these look like.
You will receive a SMS advising you have a missed voicemail and to click the link provided. Please don’t and if you have see the guidance below on the actions to take.
Please continue to report these to 7726 as it allows us to take the appropriate action to shut these down.
7726 Update
We have now completed a small upgrade to 7726 so that it is easier for you to report a Voice Call rather than just SMS.
To make it easy for you the system will only require a single message
If you receive a call then you should report it as follows:-
Voice (Calling number) e.g. Voice 077305***** or Voice 4477305*****
No words or comments should be included otherwise it will be registered as a text message and not a voice call.
When used you will see the following response:-
Thanks for reporting a nuisance call. The details will be shared with the other operators and law enforcement teams
We've started seeing some texts claiming to be from O2 More or My O2 that refer to various gamling offers or websites, though may not be exclusive to just gambling offers - it's just that that's what we've seen so far. More details below.
I wanted to highlight a few texts we've seen originating from a spoofed 'My O2' or 'O2 More', usually related to gambling offers - but this may not be exclusively. See below some recent examples we've had.
Some of the usual 'tells' that this is a scam and not from O2 can be seed in typos, grammar or punctuation mistakes, such as:
It can be difficult to tell what's a scam and what's real though, so please continue to be vigilant and if you're in doubt, it's best not to open these texts or tap on any of the links. Continue to follow our previous advice to forward suspected scam texts to 7726 for us to investigate.
We wanted to alert you that we’re starting to see new variations of the recent Flubot SMS scam you may have read about here, on our Social Media feeds, or via the news. Some variants we have seen so far include messages pretending to be from UPS, ASDA and others. We wanted to clarify a couple of points that we hope will help keep you safe over the bank holiday weekend.
How Flubot works
What to do if you receive one
If you receive a text or email you weren’t expecting and it’s asking you to tap on a link, be suspicious and scrutinise the details. If it’s from a random mobile number, chances are high it’s a scam text. If the link looks odd, chances are high it’s a scam text. If the text has typo’s or poor structuring, chances are high it’s a scam text. In these cases, please forward the text to 7726 for our security team to take further action.
If you get such a text and everything looks absolutely fine, or you were expecting a delivery from the courier mentioned and you think it might be genuine, we urge you to use caution and to contact the company in question to confirm its legitimacy before tapping on any links. If the courier/business cannot confirm the legitimacy of the SMS, please forward the text to 7726 for our security team to take further action.
More Info
For more guidance, please visit the National Cyber Security Centre
Mobile network operators are aware of the Flubot SMS scam and are advising customers to be vigilant and careful about clicking on any links received in an SMS. For the full update, tap here or view it below.
What is the Flubot SMS scam?
The Flubot SMS scam is a piece of malware that impersonates other apps on a victim’s phone to steal their banking credentials and other private information. It spreads through SMS and can eavesdrop on incoming notifications, read and write SMS, make calls, and transmit the victims’ entire contact list back to its control centre.
Actions to take if you believe you have received a Flubot text message
If you believe you have received a Flubot message, customers should forward anything suspicious to 7726 so the links can be tracked.
Be Vigilant and Aware
The best advice if you’re unsure is to ignore, report, and delete.
Here's an example of a Flubot SMS. If you receive anything similar, please don't click any links. Report it as instructed above, then delete it.
on 30-04-2021 18:35
on 30-04-2021 18:35
We wanted to alert you that we’re starting to see new variations of the recent Flubot SMS scam you may have read about here, on our Social Media feeds, or via the news. Some variants we have seen so far include messages pretending to be from UPS, ASDA and others. We wanted to clarify a couple of points that we hope will help keep you safe over the bank holiday weekend.
If you receive a text or email you weren’t expecting and it’s asking you to tap on a link, be suspicious and scrutinise the details. If it’s from a random mobile number, chances are high it’s a scam text. If the link looks odd, chances are high it’s a scam text. If the text has typo’s or poor structuring, chances are high it’s a scam text. In these cases, please forward the text to 7726 for our security team to take further action.
If you get such a text and everything looks absolutely fine, or you were expecting a delivery from the courier mentioned and you think it might be genuine, we urge you to use caution and to contact the company in question to confirm its legitimacy before tapping on any links. If the courier/business cannot confirm the legitimacy of the SMS, please forward the text to 7726 for our security team to take further action.
For more guidance, please visit the National Cyber Security Centre
on 02-05-2021 10:52
on 21-06-2021 17:06
on 21-06-2021 17:06
Hey all,
I wanted to highlight a few texts we've seen originating from a spoofed 'My O2' or 'O2 More', usually related to gambling offers - but this may not be exclusively. See below some recent examples we've had.
Some of the usual 'tells' that this is a scam and not from O2 can be seed in typos, grammar or punctuation mistakes, such as:
It can be difficult to tell what's a scam and what's real though, so please continue to be vigilant and if you're in doubt, it's best not to open these texts or tap on any of the links. Continue to follow our previous advice to forward suspected scam texts to 7726 for us to investigate.
on 28-07-2021 14:54
on 28-07-2021 14:54
Hey all,
As 'Flubot' is becoming more of an issue and more widespread, we wanted to ensure you had all the necessary info around what to do if you receive any Flubot SMS, and what to do if you believe you've clicked on any of the links and your device has become infected.
Full details below.
Flubot scam - What is it?
Flubot is a text message scam. It is part of a large scale smishing attack using a malware named Flubot. Currently it is only impacting Android devices, and is downloaded under the guise of a tracking app or a message with a link to retrieve a voicemail which is installed when you click on the attached link.
If you install the app the malware is then able to take over your device and this allows more infected SMS to be sent to contacts within your device without your knowledge.
Please be aware that if you do install the app, your contacts and your banking apps may have been accessed by the fraudster.
If you have received the message but not clicked on the link and downloaded the app, you can report the message to 7726 and then delete it.
If you have downloaded the app and believe your device has been infected, you will need to remove the malware from your device and you can do this by following the actions recommended by the National Cyber Security Centre, which is to perform a factory reset on your device, which will wipe the device and remove the malware. To carry out a factory reset, please visit the National Cyber Security Centre’s website and search on the text “flubot guidance”. You should NOT perform a back-up to reinstall anything on your device after the factory reset, as that will also reinstall the malware.
Other options that MAY be available are:
I believe my device is infected – What should I do ?
Please forward the original text message to 7726
If we have identified that your device may be infected by Flubot as part of the monitoring of our network, we may bar your outgoing SMS in order to protect you, your contacts, and our network. To have this SMS bar removed, please follow the advice below on how to remove the malware. Once you have done this please contact customer services
If you advise us that you have removed the malware but this has not been completed, the outgoing SMS bar is likely to be reinstated.
If you have incurred charges to your bill due to Flubot, this will be reviewed and where applicable these charges will be credited back to your account.
However, if you advise us that you have removed the malware and this has not been completed, and you continue to incur costs due to Flubot you may be liable for these charges.
on 14-09-2021 17:21
on 14-09-2021 17:21
We have seen news and media reports of a zero click malware vulnerability within iOS that has been patched with the latest iOS 14.8 update. Please see more info below and update your devices as soon as possible to stay safe and secure.
A zero-click attack is especially devious as it means a user has no chance to catch the attack because it requires no action on the user’s part to trigger it - it’s not like a phishing email or smishing sms where the user has to click on a link or download a piece of malware.
Whilst alarming, we don’t need to panic, as these types of attacks tend to be very targeted, and in the past have been used to access messages on specific and targeted individuals, like a journalist’s or politician’s device.
Simple – you should update your device to the latest update as soon as possible.
on 27-10-2021 19:21
on 27-10-2021 19:21
I've had lots of spam messages send them to 02 not had any since 02 have been great
21-12-2021 11:17 - edited 21-12-2021 11:19
21-12-2021 11:17 - edited 21-12-2021 11:19
Hey everyone,
During this time of the year, we tend to see a heightened level of scams going around, and with many of us taking time off work or winding down for a few days over the festive period, it's easy to let your guard down - and that's what these cyber criminals are hoping for. So please, remain vigilant and inspect your texts, calls and emails closely this holiday period.
Phishing, smishing and vishing - what are they?
Phishing is when fraudsters attempt to get hold of sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details, by pretending to be a trustworthy source in an email. When this happens through text message, it’s known as smishing. When someone calls you, it’s vishing.
How do they work?
These scams work by sending you an email or text, or by someone calling you and pretending to be from your bank, service provider, the Police, or another trusted company. The message or caller might ask for personal or financial information, such as personal security details, bank details, one-time codes, or passwords, or they might ask you to visit a fake website that looks real. The site will have a form asking for personal information like usernames, passwords, bank account details, or pins.
Don't be fooled!
These messages or calls can be very convincing and look or sound like genuine messages sent by organisations you already deal with. They might even appear within an existing text message string from an organisation you know, for example, some of ours are ‘My O2’, ‘O2UK’, ‘O2SwapMySim’.
Remember, if someone calls you claiming to be from O2, we would never ask for one-time passcodes, passwords and PINs, or personal information like your bank details. So, make sure you check who they are by asking where they're calling from. If you have any doubts, just give us a call on 0344 809 0202 to check. These could be nuisance calls, so see our advice on what to do about them. We will never email, text, or call you and ask for a one-time code, password, or other security information you've set up on your O2 account.
'FluBot' text scam
See below for more info on the FluBot scam and how it works
FluBot is a text message scam that is part of a large-scale smishing attack. Currently, it only affects Android devices and is downloaded under the guise of a message with a link to a tracking app or to retrieve a voicemail. The messages can appear to be from a delivery service like DHL, or other companies like Argos and Amazon.
If you click the link in the message, the malware may automatically download to your device. If the app is installed, the malware can take over your device, allowing more infected text messages to be sent to your contacts without your knowledge. The fraudster could also gain access to your messages and online banking details.
Signs of a scam
Scammers nowadays are sophisticated and getting clever at pretending to be legit, but there are still often tell-tale signs that the text, email or call may not be genuine.
Signs that an email, message or call might not be genuine:
Receiving a suspicious email, text or call won’t harm you in any way. It’s only dangerous if you interact with it. Remember:
If you're suspicious about an email, text or call, report it immediately.
Reporting a scam email, text or call
Some scams might pretend to be from O2, or from an organisation you already deal with. It's important that we see examples of phishing emails, texts and websites so we can investigate and shut down scammers.
To report a suspicious email:
To report a suspicious text:
To report a suspicious call:
You should also report your phishing experiences to report@phishing.gov.uk. The information provided lets law enforcement organisations remove fraudulent sites and identify patterns of attack used by scammers to help us all defend against them.
I know this isn't the most cheerful of subjects, but scams are always on the rise during this time of year so please be vigilant, remain cautious, and try not to fall foul of these scammers who at every turn will try to extract money from you, or information that may lead to fraud and even identity theft. If in doubt, report it.
on 28-01-2022 17:09
Hey all,
I wanted to share that earlier today, BBC's 'Morning Live' show discussed a new scam that's doing the rounds, referred to as the 'Fonehouse Scam' or 'Carphone Warehouse Scam'. Skip to about 7:40 on this iPlayer video where fraudsters are calling people up and pretending to be Carphone Warehouse while offering an incredible mobile phone deal.
You need to listen to the segment in full to appreciate the complexity of the scam, but in essence once the scammer has all of your details, they then sign you up to a mobile contract of their choosing (likely something high value that'll resell easily) which will be a different phone to what you were expecting. Then, once the scammers spot that your phone has been delivered, they'll attempt to contact you with an apology for sending the wrong device, and then they'll supply an address for you to return it. That's the scam - the address won't be legitimate and what you'll actually be doing is sending a device that's been taken out in your name, directly to the scammers - all whilst still paying and contracted for a device you no longer have.
So... Long story short: If you or anyone you know receives a device they weren't expecting, or different to what they ordered, then please do not attempt to contact the person who originally 'sold' you the contract (they may have supplied their details or even done this via WhatsApp/similar). Instead, contact the company directly - whether direct from a network or even from Carphone Warehouse themselves - using the legitimate details on their website so they can check and advise on the next steps.
on 28-01-2022 17:16
This has already happened to a customer on here 😮
03-05-2022 11:36 - edited 03-05-2022 11:37
03-05-2022 11:36 - edited 03-05-2022 11:37
It's been a couple months since our last update, but that doesn't mean these scammers and fraudsters have given up or slowed down - far from it. Scammers are always looking for ways to get unsuspecting users to click on dodgy links, visit fake websites, or dupe you into giving out personal info.
Enter... Flubot. Again. That's right, Flubot looks like it's on the rise again and this time with a twist.
First, a quick recap on how Flubot 1.0 (SMS) works:
What's changed with Flubot 1.1 / 2.0? It's important to note that Flubot 1.0 is still in circulation and you could be sent one of those, or potentially one of these new ones from Flubot 1.1 / 2.0:
Please remain vigilant when receiving an SMS or MMS. If it's not from someone you know, or a business/company you're familiar with, then be cautious and think twice before opening any links. And even if it is from somebody you know, be cautious of any dubious looking links - it's possible your friends phone could be infected and it sent you one of the links.