on 29-05-2014 16:58
on 29-05-2014 16:58
Hey Everyone,
Phishing scams are nothing new, they're the bane of all or email inboxes, unfortunately some do try and use our name and recently we've had a few reports of one particular scam, so we thought it would be a good time for a little update.
We've done a blog here http://news.o2.co.uk/2014/05/29/phishing-alert-may-2014/
In the Blog it links to another article with specifics on the reporting side, but if you guys have any hints or tips to share feel free to do so.
on 08-08-2014 20:45
on 08-08-2014 20:51
on 08-08-2014 20:51
Hi and welcome to the community @Anonymous
It's good to share experiences and you are quite right, it's the vulnerable that are at risk from these scams. Hope more people come across this when browsing the forum and it helps to make people more aware.
on 08-08-2014 21:26
on 08-08-2014 21:26
Hi @Anonymous
Welcome from me also. Thanks for letting us know of your scam. The more people that report these the better chance of getting them shut down
Sadly though...as soon as fraud depts shut these conmen down, another bunch pop up. Getting more and more sophisticated
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 08-08-2014 22:22
Thanks to all who has replied and made me feel welcome here.
I am glad I have found this forum and at least been able to help share my story as well. (even if we can stop one or two getting scammed from this thread then it is worth while) It is all about spreading the word, and this is pretty much what these threads do along with the advice that O2 have written up on what to look for and avoid etc.
You all seem like a good bunch from what I have read so far and that certainly goes a long way(sticking together, and trying to help others). Having the ability to share the good and the bad here and being able to openly discuss it in a civil manner is also great as well, so I really look forward to many more conversations/debates/jokes to be had here, so hopefully speak to you all again soon.
on 08-08-2014 22:23
on 08-08-2014 22:23
on 08-08-2014 22:27
on 08-08-2014 22:27
Also Gav, please come back and join in with the community...
If Lady Technophobia (i.e. ME)... can contribute here.... then I am sure you can...
Veritas Numquam Perit