I’m in the USA and my roaming isn’t working on my iPhone 12 Pro. I can’t get a signal. I’m in an area where there definitely is signal, but my phone doesn’t want to work. Data roaming is turned on, I have the international bolt on but still no luck. ...
I want to buy a Fairphone 4 to replace my Iphone7. Would I be able to use my current O2 sI'm in a Fairphone4?Thanks
Since doing update on Samsung phone I no longer connect to 4g.Can anyone tell me why and how I can re connect please
So I bought an Apple Watch Series 7 not from o2. Added it to my airtime and so far it is not working, trying to go into mobile data options on the app and I only get error 14 showing, no options to do anything else. Called o2, no help at all. Message...
Anyone know how to get it back again?
In settings , to enable 5g, what’s the difference between standard , and allow more data on 5g
I have a pay as you go phone.I was recently in France and Italy.When returning through France I sent texts to our friends in Italy; all the texts from me were received showing foreign numbers, for example, France, Italy, Germany, Dominican Republic a...
As per the title really, I am an O2 customer with a Pixel6 pro looking at the galaxy watch. I assume if I do buy it the esim becomes useless as the two wont connect or is there a way around it?
The PAC code giffgaff have given me is not porting my old number to new O2 account. What do I do next the sort problem