on 07-12-2023 20:29
Hello. I have an issue with the reception of text messages. I can use my phone as usual (calls, Internet and send text messages). I can received text messages, I don't understand why??? I called O2 and they sent me a new sim card and still the same. I've tried other phone and still the same. I have a Samsung A52. If someone can help me please. Thanks
on 10-12-2023 11:07
on 10-12-2023 11:07
on 10-12-2023 12:20
on 10-12-2023 12:20
I wasn't really thinking about the internal costs of maintaining a database etc.
I more had in mind any quantifiable external costs such as an annual licensing fee or royalty - something that might make Three think "ooh there's a saving to be had here" !
on 10-12-2023 12:38
on 10-12-2023 12:38
There are none @Oxonian
Three legally own the numbers in the National Dialling plan as assigned by OFCOM, so there is nothing for them to pay to anyone...