on 15-05-2024 07:49
Hi all - my wife got a PAC from Vodafone at the end of April to take to O2 gave this to o2 and then waited and waited. Swap was meant to happen on 7th May but still hasn’t happened - we speak to foreign call centres daily and they give me different information each day and don’t seem to be able to fix the issue (something stuck on o2 side). We are now panicking that we will lose the number (Vodafone have no record of it). Is there someone that we could speak to to get this port to happen? Is there a local (UK) call centre or tech support team? Please help 🙏
on 15-05-2024 08:05
on 15-05-2024 08:05
You go through to the first available agent so cant pick and choose a call centre. so you will have to persevere with Customer Services. as there is nothing anyone on this customer community can do to help..
How do you mean Vodafone have no record of it? do you mean the number or the port request?? Is the Vodafone sim still active or have the ceased it..
If it is stuck it could be at either end..
on 15-05-2024 08:19
on 15-05-2024 08:19
Vodafone has ceased the account as they think it has gone across.
been with o2 for >1 week - advisors say it’s stuck in o2 system and that they raise a tech support issue - they say wait 2 days - we wait 2 days - contact again - next advisor says last advisor did something wrong - raised again with tech team and then rinse and repeat. Just going round in circles and getting very nervous that my wife will have lost her phone number.
surely there must be some tech support who are there for escalations and can resolve issues like this?
on 15-05-2024 08:45
on 15-05-2024 08:45
There is but not for customers to contact, it is a back office team who liase with the donor networks and the IT team... All you can do is keep on with Customer Services...
Bear in mind if it has to go to Vodafone to assist then it can take weeks to be resolved...
on 15-05-2024 21:17
Unfortunately, this is a customer to customer community so we cannot access your account. You need to persevere with O2.
Have you considered contacting the social media team ? They have a reputation for solving problems and you have nothing to lose. You can message O2 on social media :-
Facebook : https://o2uk.co/O2CFB
X (previously known as Twitter) : https://o2uk.co/O2CTW
Instagram : https://o2uk.co/O2CIG
They might take 48 hours or so to respond. Please keep reminding them until a team member engages with you.
A complete schedule of how to contact O2 is in :-
on 18-05-2024 22:15
on 18-05-2024 22:15
Still having the same issue - no further forward. Seems that nobody in o2 can work out what has gone wrong and / or how to fix it! This is driving us nuts - customer service is pretty terrible…
on 19-05-2024 17:32
on 19-05-2024 17:32
Did you engage with the Social Media team @Rodders546 ? ❓
And are you no further forward despite engaging with them ? ❓
on 20-05-2024 08:39
Have reached out to teams on Twitter and Instagram on Wednesday and again today - have had no contact back from them other than an automated bot response - am I doing something wrong?
on 20-05-2024 10:54
on 20-05-2024 10:54
It can take a couple of days for a response from the SM team, @Rodders546 - note the same team deals with all 3 Social Media platforms, so pick a platform, follow O2 on that platform, and send them a Direct or Private message nudge every so often. Good luck!