on 11-02-2025 20:45
At my wits end, I'm on an unlimited data package but I'm only getting around 2mpbs download often in the evenings.
I got this package to use as a hotspot for streaming TV/sport etc (don't have broadband at home) but can barely watch anything.
Phoning 202 is next to useless as they just say the signal is good.
I'm on the 3rd floor with no buildings outside the windows.
Using a 3 yr old Redmi Note 11, I use the hotspot to connect to TV and Firestick.
Thanks in advance.
on 11-02-2025 20:54
3.5. Usage of Unlimited Data is subject to our Fair Usage Policy. To help us identify whether you are using your Unlimited Data in accordance with the Fair Usage Policy and these Terms , we may monitor the amount of data you are using. Where you regularly tether to 12 or more devices, have used 650GB of data twice within a 6 month period, or have connected to a device other than an eligible device as stipulated in clause 3.3 of these Terms, then we may investigate your usage further to ascertain whether your Unlimited Data usage is for the permitted use. Where following such investigation we determine or reasonably suspect that your usage is for purposes other than the permitted use then we reserve the right to transfer you to a more suitable plan.
on 11-02-2025 20:58
on 11-02-2025 20:58
How is that relevant?
on 11-02-2025 20:59
No idea as you didn't give enough info, but the T&C's may contain something you are unaware of.
on 11-02-2025 21:00
on 11-02-2025 21:00
Just to add there is no minimum speed guarantees on any UK mobile network.. so it could be that is all your connection will support.. o2 wont do anything about it, and if you are been throttled then its down to the above post.
Also bear in mind a lot of Streaming platforms rate limit as well especially when on mobile data services.
If you really want to stream etc and want truly unlimited then you need to look at a proper landline broadband based service
on 11-02-2025 21:08
on 11-02-2025 21:08
Further info, I've been using this set up for almost a year with no issues.
Changed to a £20pm plan from £40pm about 6 weeks ago, don't know is that has anything to do with it.
Data useage is nowhere near the 650GB mentioned in the t&c's.
2mpbs is horrendously slow and has never been like this before, only the past couple of weeks.
on 11-02-2025 21:13
Might be some local issues @IanA25
Guide: How can I sort out my network issues?