on 31-08-2023 20:42
I get my wifi from 4g. L372eb
when I check speed with Okla it first shows approximately 37 mbps.
If I check again a few minutes later it drops to below 2 mbps.
when it shows the highest speeds it often fails when uploading.
any advice please
on 01-09-2023 22:54
Ookla lets you set the target server against which it runs the test.
It’s best to run several tests at various times of the day instead of just one single test.
After all, you never know when heavy Internet traffic or some other random factor might affect the accuracy of your test results.
Performing several tests at different times during the day and then averaging the results will virtually eliminate the chance that one “bad” test will cause you to believe the quality of your connection isn’t up to par when it actually is.
And your 4G signal is shared with others on the same mast - I get only 2.6 down and 5.2 up on a good day, via my O2 nearest mast to VirginMedia or BT in England, Manchester, vs the local POP listed for the city closest to me geographically. A single Ookla, or Speedtest.net or O2's MyNetwork, or other app, only ever paints a picture of conditions at the time of the test.