on 03-01-2015 07:03
on 03-01-2015 07:03
when i buy a pay as you go 02 phone (outright from the website), is the £10 sim a one off payment thing, I see it doesnt allow me to add the phone to the basket unless I select a tarrif/bundle/sim ?
I have noticed on the 02 website that in order to be able to get the phone into the purchase/buy basket, I first have to click on a £10 pay as you go deal, hmmmm ?
I am wary about this as the 02 agent said it was pay as you go with "no contract (just as I want)", but it wasnt until afterwards that I noticed this when attempting to purchase the phone that In order to be able to get the actual phone into the purchase/buy basket I first of all had to click on a pay as you go deal, so I seen one for £10 and picked that.
After that the phone was then in the purchase/buy basket, same price, I didnt get charged the extra £10 and the delivery is free too.
Reason why things like this worry me is I dont want tied to or roped into being tied to the £10 per month etc, you know what I mean ?
I could possibly want to have the phone unlocked and use another provider (maybe), thats the whole reason why I want to purchase a phone as a one off payment with no hidden ties per month, know what I mean ?.
Am I simply worrying about nothing here ? ? Is this what 02 do automatically to try and get you to stay with them and use their service etc, I.E - the phone wouldnt be any good to anyone if it didnt have any sim ??
I just want to double check this before I purchase because I dont want tied into anything.
Thanks my friends and sorry for dragging this on and on, lol. xx
(p.s, I still havent purchased yet because of this, so I am desperate for an answer quickly, hope someone can help, thank you all )
on 03-01-2015 11:19
on 03-01-2015 11:19
@Anonymous wrote:phone is now ordered, so i will get back to ya all next week when no doubt I will need help to get more answers.
thanks people
Look forward to that @Anonymous If you did order the M8 we have lots of folk on here who will be able to help...
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on 03-01-2015 14:31
on 03-01-2015 14:31
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on 03-01-2015 14:45
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on 03-01-2015 15:00
on 03-01-2015 15:00
on 03-01-2015 15:16
on 03-01-2015 15:16
on 03-01-2015 15:19
on 03-01-2015 15:19
@Anonymous wrote:
Explains why they are out of stock. I spoke to their Live Chat (who I have to say we're very good - o2 are you listening) and they told me more stock is on its way. Given the conversation quality I believe them too.
Vodaphone Live Chat?? Blimey thats a turn up for the books. One of my friends is with them. The friend who couldnt get a signal and I could when down in Somerset..... She reckons their CS/LiveChat is awful
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