on 26-06-2020 15:33
i have just joined o2 and have a new phone SAMSUMG A20E will i get a nano sim and will i work straight away ?
on 26-06-2020 15:52
on 26-06-2020 15:52
on 29-06-2020 16:38
Hi @juliechambers welcome to O2 and our community. How are you getting on with your new phone and SIM, did you get everything sorted?
on 29-06-2020 17:13
on 29-06-2020 17:13
hi im still waiting for the sim to arrive i had a text from o2 that i need to activate the sim and i have a pac code to save my number do i tell o2 once i have the sim card in ? im new to this
on 29-06-2020 19:13
on 29-06-2020 19:13