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locking my phone

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is there any way i can temporarilly lock my daughters account online as punishment for bad behavior

Message 1 of 31

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Whilst I can see everyones perspective here, I would like to add, (gently of course,) that the OP did not come here asking for parental advice.

They asked a question about locking the phone.

I personally do not think anyone here should be taking the moral high ground about parenting.

We have all, in our time, made our own decisions about how we bring up OUR children...and it surely is not our job to offer advice on that aspect Smiley Surprised


EDIT..and to add that it is lovely to see @Anonymous back...Smiley Very Happy

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 21 of 31

Not applicable

@Cleoriff wrote:

Whilst I can see everyones perspective here, I would like to add, (gently of course,) that the OP did not come here asking for parental advice.

They asked a question about locking the phone.

I personally do not think anyone here should be taking the moral high ground about parenting.

We have all, in our time, made our own decisions about how we bring up OUR children...and it surely is not our job to offer advice on that aspect Smiley Surprised


EDIT..and to add that it is lovely to see @Anonymous back...Smiley Very Happy

@Cleoriff    I am not clear if you are suggesting that I was somehow taking the "moral highground" .  That certainly was not my intention and I think I can safely say that I was very very careful NOT to offer advice on parenting. The OP asked for advice about locking a phone but set that request within the context of punishment for bad behaviour and in that respect my comment was, I believe, measured, reasonable and justified.  If I have inadvertently offended the OP, or anyone else, by suggesting that a different punishment for the unacceptable behaviour might be worth considering, then I offer a sincere apology.



Message 22 of 31

Not applicable

@Anonymous   Thank you Sir!  I may still pop in now and then but must remember always to wear my tin hat!

Smiley LOL



Message 23 of 31

Not applicable
Hi @Anonymous

I'm sure no apology is warranted.

When I give advise sometimes I feel that also the ramifications have to be outlined too.

For example if I suggest a Hard Reset then the ramifications is potential data loss which needs pointing out.

Discussing ways of how to block the phone of a minor has ramifications too which is why I felt the need to point that out.

I'm hopeful the op is grateful of all the advise supplied to make a more informed decision.
Message 24 of 31

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Gerry.... I was plodding through my reply before I even saw your post so it wasn't aimed at anyone in particular my friend...more a generalisation....

As you see I went back and edited my post to welcome you....(after I saw you were back) Smiley Very Happy

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 25 of 31

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Without pointing a finger at anyone we are sometimes all guilty of not answering the question directly.
The correct response to the original question is simply "No". Any further discussion should be generated by any additional responses from the OP.
There are currently 3 pages of waffle on this thread alone and much of it off topic in relation to the original question.......
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 26 of 31

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@Cleoriff wrote:


As you see I went back and edited my post to welcome you....(after I saw you were back) Smiley Very Happy

@Cleoriff -  In the haste to post before I forgot what I wanted to say (so many senior moments of late!!!) I am sorry I neglected to thank you for your kind words.  I'll be away on holiday soon but will still be taking an interest in all that goes on here even if I don't comment as frequently as before.



Message 27 of 31

Not applicable
I thought I did in the very 1st reply.

The discussion simply grew from there on other options related.
Message 28 of 31

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I'm guessing the OP is a little bit more stressed now with all the conflicting advice and opinions. Perhaps we should just leave it there now.

Message 29 of 31

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Quite agree jonsie wink
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 30 of 31