on 09-02-2014 06:45
on 09-02-2014 06:45
you have sent me a message saying you have cut off my phone.
Friday 7th I received another message telling me to call 202 clarifying I had been abroad and am now back in the UK. I was told all is now OK.
I am very disappointed at your actions which are unwarrented.
on 09-02-2014 10:44
@Anonymous wrote:
Surely they could give a quick call to check rather than just cutting off seems a bit drastic to me
There simply isn't the staffing level for the kind of volume the network gets of people going over their allowance, it's not just 1 or 2 customers each day, also the bars get triggered 24 hours a day, not just during office hours. They get texts and emails.
Also, if you've stolen Jonsies phone and o2 call and say hello Mr Jonsie, has your phone been stolen, you're not going to answer and admit you've stolen it are you.
on 09-02-2014 10:47
on 09-02-2014 10:47
on 09-02-2014 10:47
on 09-02-2014 10:50
@Anonymous wrote:
Fair point I understand that but surely security could be gone through
Not really because you can't ask for security details on an outbound call, we always warn people not to give passwords and account information to cold callers.
on 09-02-2014 10:54
on 09-02-2014 10:54
on 09-02-2014 10:54
on 09-02-2014 10:55
on 09-02-2014 11:02
@Anonymous wrote:
I agree I do the same but if they know part of it and you know the other part anyway if it's the system it's the system
But then they'll breach DPA by giving out details to someone who might not be the account holder. There are just too many loops to jump through to be compliant.