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big fat rant: appalling customer service and a HUGE bill

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I'd like to start by saying that I'm aware my calls and bill is my responsibility. 


Having said that, why do 02 charge such exorbitant fee's for specific countries like Australia & South Africa?

I recently had a death in the family and made calls to family members. I see that where I have called and put down - i.e. on the bill it literally says '2 seconds', they are charging £0,667+VAT... what the?


I have been a customer with 02 for 15 years. I always pay my bill on time and in full, by D/D. My bill has been roughly £40-£60 for around the last approx 3+ years. In August this year I moved and no longer have a landline. Between August and December, my bill has been between roughly £90 - £120. Each month since August, I have received a text warning me that my calling plan bill is high. (I have a calling plan together with a handset plan). I have continued to pay my bill in full and on time.


Well - not for January. No folks, for January there was no warning text and a whopping £420.87 bill!


I called 02, way before my bill was due to be paid, and was met with the most arrogant, rude and presumptious attitude I've possibly ever dealt with, at an institution where I am a long standing customer. He spoke over me, was condescending and an absolute bully. He told me his name was Brian. 


When I asked if there was a way that I can pay it off, I was told I could not speak to the payment plan department until I had agreed that I would pay some money that very same day. (note that my bill was not yet even due) I refused to agree to anything, saying that I wanted all of the information first, and then I would decide if I agreed or not. I was also informed that my phone would be barred (incoming calls and texts only) and that, even although I would be entering a payment plan with them promising to pay everything off, it would effect my credit rating negatively. This seems heavy handed, but I've never been in this situation before - does this seem fair? 


Eventually I asked to be put through to someone else. I was told no one else in the company would tell me any different, so why did I need to speak to anyone else? I got a bit rude at this point and informed him we obviously couldn't get along, that even when imparting bad news to someone, there was a way to do it with common decency and I demanded to be put through to ANYONE else.


The next lady was kind - named Coffee - at a call center in S-Africa. I asked her to put on my notes that I wanted to make a complaint about the way I had been spoken to. She told me she would enter that info. She gave me another option - that she would put my account into dispute for 2 months, if I would pay off the bill in full within 2 months, over 2 payments. 


I was still a bit emotional from my previous dealings with Brian and needed time to think about what was best to do. We agreed she would call back 2 (two) days later. (still within the period before my bill was due)


It's 3 (three) days later and still no call. So I called 02 back. Apparently, I didn't speak to 'Brian' at all - I actually spoke to 'Muhammad' in Glasgow adn there are no notes other than he transfered me to customer service in SA. And there are no notes, or any sign of me having spoken to anyone in South Africa at all. So the kind representative of today can't follow up or investigate my claims because there are no notes on my account. How very convenient for 02.



I say to her: well, I think after 15 years of being a loyal and good customer, even if you wont give me a discount on my extortionate bill (I will accept I made the calls, even although they set precedent by texting me for the previous consecutive 5 months with warnings and at any other time when my bill got near to £80-ish), could you give me even a small discount to sweeten the bitter pill of an extortinate bill, with utterly disgraceful customer service, in order to keep me as a customer? 


Apparently not. All they can offer me today, is a payment plan. With a barred phone. And a black mark on my credit rating.


SO: At this point I'm thinking: since my credit rating will be negatively effected and my phone will be barred, what is the point of making any payment at all?


I know - because I'm a good person and I'm supposed to do the right thing. I made the calls. Even although there are 2 entities in this contract, only I am apparently responsible for it. When I don't get service and can't make calls, or the phone they've sold me is acting up, can I black mark them and get them on a payment plan for refund? Nope - I just have to suck it up. I always do the right thing. 


But why doesn't 02 do the right thing? 


Oh right - it's because they are gazzillionaires, who desperately need the full £420.87 to go on surviving, who got that rich by stepping over (or, as it seems ON) people, catching people out and making it neccessary to complete at least a couple of years of a law degree in order to fully read and understand their bills/contracts/super-fast-babble-must-make-you-aware-over-the-phone-to-tie-you-in-tighter-than-houdini verbal agreements. 


I'm just one tiny person and 02 is a giant. I'm sick of doing the right thing, and coming off second best. 



Message 1 of 17

Level 94: Supreme
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That's quite disheartening to read bit not unusual as we have heard similar stories before. O2 is not the company it used to be unfortunately.
We can only hope that Three will make some changes for the better?
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 2 of 17

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No matter what the situation a customer should always be spoken to and dealt with professionally and with courtesy.
Message 3 of 17

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It's an unfortunate situation, but it's not the first time we've heard a story like this. O2 has no loyalty policy any more. It's supposed to be one rule for all, whether you're a new customer or old. Personally, I don't agree with that, but O2 aren't alone in using that kind of policy.

It's all well and good to talk with hindsight, but maybe what you should have done is put the phone down on this 'Brian' person, and rung back. You never get the same CS person twice.

As far as your credit rating goes, it's something you should consider before doing anything rash like not paying at all. O2 are pretty ruthless about that, and a negative mark on your credit rating will follow you around for years, and will prohibit you in many ways you haven't even thought of. If you can raise the money and pay off what you owe, that would be the best way to go. I'm sure it's not an easy thing to do, but you need to think about it.


Message 4 of 17

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 An awful story and sad that O2 would rather lose a good customer than give even the slightest concession.

Its also pretty grim that that they would cause such obvious distress  which was evident in the post.

When @Anonymous  has had chance to read the advice given, I really hope they  do think long and hard about  the impact  non payment will have on their credit rating....

They know O2 is a major company and this sort of action  wont affect them at all.

A poor credit rating  will sadly affect the poster. They have enough stress today and don't need any more. slight_frown


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 17

Not applicable

Thank you All for your responses - I appreciate it.


Something I'd like to clarify, just in case:

Unless I pay the entire bill in one go, when it is due, they are going to mess with my credit rating. Even if I arrange the payment plan before the bill is due, and pay x amount of payments on time as per the arrangement, they are still going to black mark me.



So if I can't come up with the full amount in time, what is the point in paying it if my credit rating will be effected whether I pay it off or don't pay it? 


I take issue with 02 threatening me in this way, and with their representatives for not being honest and/or being so rude. 

Message 6 of 17

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I am not sure if you are familiar with a credit report. (This assumes you're not so please forgive me if you are).

If you make a repayment arrangement with o2, your credit report will show the balance due to o2 plus any payments you have made. As long as the payments are made as agreed your credit report (using Experian as an example) will show a zero against each payment. (That is good). If you miss payments then either a 1, 2 or 3 will show (this is the number of months).

So in essence your credit report will show the debt but your payments if made will show you are managing ok and your credit file would not black marked.

Any company looking to offer you credit or a contract will be able to see this information and each company will read it differently and decide as they seem fit but as a general rule regular payments and a reducing debt is fine. (Think of it like a credit card).

I hope that goes some way to reassuring you? Please do come back if you need further support our guidance
Message 7 of 17

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I would agree with @Anonymous's post. My son had a similar problem some time ago with a large bill he was unable to pay. He was upfront with the company involved. They set a payment plan agreed by both parties. He didn't default on any payments as agreed...and his credit rating remained intact. (I know that for a fact as he has been accepted for credit on a new car) really is the way to go. slight_smile

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 8 of 17

Level 94: Supreme
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To add my agreeance with the above, you should not be black marked for sticking to a repayment plan.
If you are worried about it happening though, you could always pay your O2 bill via a credit card then pay the credit card back over 3 or 4 months.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 9 of 17

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THANK YOU everyone. 

Message 10 of 17