Pay Monthly
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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Pay Monthly board!

Hi everyone, Welcome to the Pay Monthly board! If you have a Pay Monthly contract or are thinking of getting one then this is the board where you can ask questions to other community members. If your question is about your account please remember thi...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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Resolved! Missing account after moving to pay and go.

Hi, I used to have two contract with o2 - one of them for my wife and another one for myself. Recently I've moved mine to pay and go and since then I cannot see it in accounts list when I log in to o2. Is there any way to get it back there?Can I link...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! New Contract for 300 free minutes but My Account only showing 200

Hi there I would phone O2 back but as I was on hold for ages I can't bear to. I agreed to an upgrade which the woman said she had to put together for me. It was for 300 free minutes and other things. However, My Account is only showing 200 free minut...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Account viewing problem

I have an o2 contract with a phone we got from Dialaphone, Ive never seen a bill or figured out how to see the details for this phone/simOn an old existing o2 account I changed the phone number to that of this new phone but still there is no info on ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Extra £5 free credit

I got a text about getting an extra £5 free credit when you top up once by 18/11/2012 and I has wondering where I can get more information?

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! More than one contract

I have more than one 02 contract but unfortunatley have been made reduntant recently If im unable to pay for one contract will this effect the other one as i can only afford the one at moment ? ie will i get barred for both or just the one ?

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Early PAC codes?

Does anyone know if I got a PAC code early if I could keep paying by monthly DD until the end of the contract or if I'd need to pay a settlement fee in full?

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Internet on iPhone 4S

Hi all, first post in the O2 Community When i'm searching for anything on Safari today, I'm getting the following message 'Safari could not open the page because the server stopped responding'. I've checked my data allowance and I have only used 30%,...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Sim registration failed

Hi Everyone, I've recented changed from a Pay and Go tariff to an unlimited tarriff for £26.00 tariff, both on 02. I wanted to be able to keep my own number, so completed the form on the 02 website and was informed that I would be kept up to date wit...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Pre-paid Huewei 173 dongle with Kubuntu linux

I Just bought a Huewei 173 dongle with 1GB of usage pre-paid. It works fine with Windows but I really want to use it with Kubuntu linux (version 12 - precise pangolin). Normally Network Manager would set this up straight away and it would go with no ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! adding bolt ons on pay monthly

hi. i ran out of internet on my phone and i wanted to buy more. 100mb one off for £3 sounds good enough, but when i proceed to check out it says that the end date is like 19th or 20th O.o why is that? i know my bolt ons will be added on, on about 19t...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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