Pay Monthly
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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Pay Monthly board!

Hi everyone, Welcome to the Pay Monthly board! If you have a Pay Monthly contract or are thinking of getting one then this is the board where you can ask questions to other community members. If your question is about your account please remember thi...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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Resolved! SMS message centre costs?

Why do I have 12 media messages sent via the SMS message centre when I didn't go abroad or send any roaming texts?

Resolved! Contract phone...and insurance

HiI have been reading some posts that mention insurance and contract phones. When i changed from PAYG to Contract last week, I wasn't asked about insurance at all. Just want to check if insurance on my new phone is my responsibility to sort independe...

Cleoriff by Level 94: Supreme
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Resolved! Pay & Go question re top ups

Hi all, I have o2 pay & go (regular phone not one of those smart phones - I know i live in the dark ages.. :).Anyway, my pay and go sim I dont get any freebies with it at all - never have (well apart from the 'rewards'). Some months I top up some mon...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! being charged for data I haven't used

Since September 2012 I've been getting charged for data while in France when I know I haven't been using it. Phone is an HTX One X all auto updates turned off, data roaming turned off unless I want to use it, It's not my first smart phone so I am fai...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Why can i get cheaper third party o2 deals

My contracts due for renewal next month and i notice i can actually get cheaper i phone pay monthly deals with the likes of carphone warehouse and phone 4 u etc to name but a few. Infact truth be told i can mostly get cheaper deals for o2 i phone eve...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Cleoriff (forum name change)!!!

Hi All,Thanks to those of you who answered my query (posted as Bugsymalone) re getting my original name back. I sent a PM to Toby as you suggested and he sorted it and hey ho Bugsymalone is no more...long live Cleoriff! (Just thought it was a bit unf...

Cleoriff by Level 94: Supreme
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Resolved! Moving From Pay Monthly To Simplicity

Hello All, My pay monthly contract is about to come to it's 24 month end (thank God!!), and I wanted to just move to one of the Simplicity tariffs. My question is can I do this with just a call to customer services? Or do I have to start getting a ne...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Can anyone help me and answer the following question?Why are online tarifs/phones and those offered instore so different in that there is much more choice online?The 2 are completely seperate operations yet are both selling o2 products on behalf of t...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Pay as you go phone bill

Is there any way of receiving a phone bill..even though you're on a pay as you go tariff?

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! high data usage overnight

I've just changed from 500mb of data to 100mb. My monthly usage is usually just below 100Mb. In the first week on new tariff I used nearly 100MB, and when I look at information about my actual data usage I see this is due to automatic downloads of (p...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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