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Who is 'at fault'

Level 3: Thinker
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I was recently away from home for a few days, during which time my mobile bill was due.   Having recently changed banks I had not had time to set up Direct Debit payments.    On the date my payment was due, I logged into my O2 Accounts and made the required payments which were accepted and 'verified by Visa'.


However, I started receiving messages on my 'phones that I had not paid my bills, and, eventually they cut off my services.    Each time I tried to make a call I was just diverted to an automated payment service so could not speak to anyone at O2 to find out what had happened.


During my trip I had no access to the internet so was feeling very cut off.  


Upon my return home I had received 2 e-mails from O2 stating that my payments were not taken as something had 'gone wrong' at my bank and I was told to use an alternative method to pay, and get service restored.


I had managed to make a payment on one of the phones, duplicating my payment, as I assumed.


I visited my bank today, and they investigated there and then as there was nothing on the system as to why the payments were not made, but, after a further telephone call, it was found that the reason the payments were not further authorised because the security code numbers had been incorrectly input by O2 when finally trying to take the payment.    They suggested that O2 telephone the bank for confirmation that they were at fault and not me.


Now, I am a pensioner on State Benefits and cannot now pay my other bill until next Monday (pay day).   Assuming my payment had been taken from my bank account, I used the money as shown available in my account whist away from home.


So, I have suffered a curtailment of my services due to no fault of my own?   O2 chat are telling me the only way to get my service back on is to pay the bill.   So, who has broken their Contract me or o2?   I will also have a late/missed payment registered on my Credit File!

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The fact of the matter is this - o2 cannot give me back what I have already lost, 2 weeks without any kind of service, sadness that I will not be able to call or receive calls from my family over Christmas, the distress that I suffered (am suffering) for their complete inability to deal with this matter, the fact that one hand does not know what the other is doing etc. etc.


I am not dealing 'lightly' with the damage they can, and probably will do to my Credit File, but in all honesty what can I do about it?    So by not stressing, they lose a bargaining chip against me.   Why would I want to pay for a service I have not received anyway?


I know I am just one customer who they could not care less about, what is one unhappy customer in the millions they have - absolutely nothing.    People will still be going to O2 as new and returning customers and my plight will deter no one from using o2.


Should I lose the case, and incur further charges I have nothing to lose by being declared bankrupt - I am just a state pensioner living in public housing.   I have done absolutely nothing wrong.


At the end of the day I will die and they will still not have their money for services they did NOT supply.   I will go down fighting this total injustice.


And to answer, a point, yes I will keep you informed as long as I am able.

Message 61 of 114

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I do really wish you the best of luck with this.

I agree also that there comes a point in life where stressing out does nothing for your health and well being. We of the older generation have the life experience that only maturity can bring. I would be fighting my corner too, I'm at an age where credit files are meaningless to me and having already lived through the most distressful events of life, I have come out fighting. I have no doubt after reading your posts that you are a strong character and nothing will stop you pursuing this to the end. I look forward to your update.

Message 62 of 114

Not applicable
Just a thought -> But maybe seek some help from Citizens Advice.

As said, I send my best wishes to you on this too.
Message 63 of 114

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Hi @amici-pat 

I really do wish you all the very best. I have followed your sad story from the start of this thread and you have my utmost sympathy. You and I are probably of a similar age and when reading about the appalling way you have been treated, I have often thought 'there but for the grace of god go I'....

You appear to have done nothing wrong yet have been treated appallingly. Add to this you have incurred a great deal of stress and worry....which is the last thing we want at our time of life!

However we are a strong bunch, 'us golden oldies'...we have lived through many trying times and got on with things...a little older but certainly a great deal wiser...

So you go for it....Anything that gives you satisfaction and a purpose is needed here

I wish you well..... Please stay in touch to update us....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 64 of 114

Not applicable

Hi @amici-pat ,


Just noticed the progression on the thread this morning and with all due respect to whoever is trying to help let's leave the bailiffs out of this for a moment and let's focus on how things really work. It takes months for things to progress that far. That email that you received may not even be what is really happening on your account, it may be the result of the new deal that was offered to you, it may be human error, it can be a lot of things...that being the reason why usually o2 don't give bad credit straight away, usually you only get it when u have been disconnected completely. If you don't mind, and it's obviously up to you what you want to do but can I ask who did you speak to to resolve this? And was that contract cancellation sent over email? Not post?  

Message 65 of 114

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Conflicting info from O2 all the same. It seems not all advisers put notes on accounts (they should for every call) or the people sending emails don't read them. Sorry @Anonymous but there really is no excuse...

Message 66 of 114

Not applicable

Not even going to try @jonsie :smileysad:... just trying to get a picture in my head of what was possibly done, but because I cant access the account I have to go on the details to try and guess what was done, if that makes sense and then from there try and give the best advice possible so that the OP can resolve this once and for all....It just seems so ridiculously simple to resolve that I'm starting to think there's got to be something else...

Message 67 of 114

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Thank you to all those showing support - I can totally understand that you would begin to think that there is something I am not saying, or indeed do not know.    I feel that too and I KNOW the situation as I have the paperwork to prove it (not the confirmation in writing from the bank yet, but on its' way).


I have it in writing from O2 that they know that I paid the bill on 9th December, and they confirm it was 'verified by Visa'.   They then go on to intimate that the fault is with my bank account, ie not enough funds etc. and that I should make the payment again using another card/account.   I have the receipt number from making the payment, but was told this is useless to O2 as they cannot in any way trace these numbers!!!


The delay happened because I was away from home and any internet connections and they had cut off my service to my Mobile.


By the time I got home on 20th December, their letter as above was waiting in my e-mail inbox.   Could not contact them because mobile was completely non-functionable, not even re-directing my outgoing calls to the payment line.


Went personally to bank on Monday 22nd December ready to have it out with them thinking it was my/their fault, but, when they investigated they informed me that their records showed that o2 staff had input the Security Code given whilst making the payment online, incorrectly.   My input WAS correct the fault was squarely at the feet of O2.


I re-iterate the above to save any new readers having to go back to the beginning.


O2 have informed me, through an e-mail that my account is to be terminated, will not be recoverable and I will be expected to pay the balance of my Contract.


I am fairly housebound and disabled so it is difficult to telephone o2 in any way, especially as my 'phone is now once again 'disconnected'.    My e-mail to CS before Christmas returned that a response will be available within about 7 days.    If you want an earlier resolution go to Chat.   This I did and once explained my service was back on in minutes with the £2 per month discount agreed. (this on the 24th December).   27th December sees the first 'Termination' e mail, followed today by another, and disconnection once again.


I have prepared a Statement of Fact and Court Proceedings paperwork online.    I await my State Pension tomorrow to set this Case in Action.


A further point to which I know the answer, I will still be expected to pay for the service I have NOT received in December - no allowance would be made for that I am sure!!    I am not bothered about a re-instatement of service now - I can never TRUST o2 to handle ANYTHING with respect and dignity, let alone honesty.


Again, many thanks for the support and I will keep this forum informed as things progress.

Message 68 of 114

Not applicable

....for obvious reasons I cant comment on some things but for what  is shouldn't have to go trough this, that's all I can say....:smileysad:

Message 69 of 114

Not applicable
Thank you for keeping us all in the loop and my best wishes.
Message 70 of 114