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Where is the love for long term loyal customers?

Not applicable

Hi all, i've been a loyal o2 customer for over 8 years now.  


My o2 contract is due for renewal on the 12th of this month (November 2012) so I thought I would contact an advisor through the chat system to see what offers/discounts o2 could give me against an iPhone 5.


I got nowhere!  The advisors excuse was that all payment plans are pre-set and that there is no leway for change, the advisor couldn't even move my upgrade date forward by two weeks!!


It seems that o2 are happy to make us fork out hundreds of pounds purchasing a handset year after year and then hundreds more on monthly contracts (on average £40 per month @ £480 per year) to run them but they are not prepared to give anything back, not even 2 weeks advance on an upgrade!


What makes this even more unbelievable is that Orange have activated 4G and so o2 sales will be effected.  


I think it may be prudent to wait until my contract has finished, then move over to Orange!



Message 1 of 71

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@Anonymous wrote:

Hi, it's me again!


I managed to get O2 to move forward my upgrade date by one week (eventually) and so I've stayed.

Well done, it's more than a lot of people have managed to squeeze out of them. Glad you eventually got something resolved:smileyhappy:


Message 71 of 71