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VoLTE / VoWiFi & call divert nightmare

Level 9: Fired up
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Hi all, looking for some help as O2 CC can't seem to.


I recently had VoLTE and VoWiFi turned on on my account as I have a compatible handset (as defined by O2).  It is a OnePlus 5T.


Since VoLTE / VoWiFi went live however all my call diverts have gone and any attempt to set them back up (i.e. divert if busy or always divert) results in a Network Error message and no divert.


Any help welcome.



Message 1 of 13

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Hi, sorry everyone for the slow reply.


After a week now O2 have been unable to resolve this issue for either my personal O2 line or my Business line so VoLTE has been turned off on both so I can use diverts again.


I have requested my PAC code for my personal number.  The icing on the cake was a "permanent discount" I was given by a Customer Service chap last year to stop me leaving has expired and my bill shot up.  As I wasn't notified that it was expiring and I had been told the discount was permanent (probably just to get me to stay) it's been an unpleasant surprise.


Ironically I am told that my employer is also considering migrating O2 c. 500 lines to a new provider later this summer.


It feels like a real shame - thats life.



Thanks to everyone who tried to help, but I've given up.



Message 11 of 13

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@AlignedChaos wrote:


Ironically I am told that my employer is also considering migrating O2 c. 500 lines to a new provider later this summer.

Our company move around 28,000 lines a few years ago because of poor support.

We got an excellent deal with EE too wink

Our IT guys said that O2 weren't bothered in the slightest when we moved Smiley Frustrated

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 12 of 13

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I find it sad that O2 just don't give a damn. I'd love to see the customer churn figures for the last year. @adamtemp64?

Message 13 of 13