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Upgraded phone - still no sim activation and refused an exchange when asked!

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I went into O2 in Preston, Lancashire on Friday 12th October and I upgraded my sim only contract to a contract for a Sony Xperia T. It was all done and dusted by 3pm and I went home, being told my sim would be active in the next two hours. I had a normal sim so they had to transfer my number over to a micro sim. 


It is now 6.25pm on Saturday and my phone is still not working. It just keeps saying 'sim card not provisioned 2'.


I have been back to the store today and to be honest, it was a complete shambles and the service was quite poor in my opinion. I kept my cool despite them winding me up to the point of breaking, but I left the store, two and a half hours later, the way I went in -  with a glorified mini wifi internet tablet.


I am aware of the outage yesterday but to be left with no number for over 26 hours is appaulling. They did not offer any form of compensation and they could not tell me when it would activate. They simply said it should 'hopefully' come on in the next 24 hours and if it doesn't, they'll do antoher sim swap. The problem is, I can't get back there now until Tuesday. Is anyone else having this problem?


I also asked them if I could exchange the handset as I am not sure about the phone as it's quite large (I know that this would not solve the sim issue). However, they refused, stating that I had taken a fast track upgrade and this was excluded from the 7 day exchange policy. She gloated on the fact that it was printed on the receipt so I should have been aware of it.


However, this is what actually happened when I took the contract out on Friday. I looked around the store and narrowed it down to a couple of phones. I wasn't sure if I wanted such an advanced phone, but in the end, I chose the Xperia T. I sat down with the advisor and I asked her, explicitly, that if I decided that I did not want the phone, could I come back and swap it for another. Her reply was "Of course, you can come back within 7 days and swap it or cancel the contract, no problem". So, on that advice, I went ahead. She got all the paperwork sorted, a single sheet of A4. I read through it - no mention of the exclusion or it being a fast track upgrade. I was happy so signed it. She then tapped away again, printed a receipt off, stapled it to the contract, folded it up and put it in the bag with the phone.


Not once did the advisor mention fast track upgrades or an exclusion on the 7 day exchange policy. And she did not show me the receipt beforehand so I had no way to know of this policy until I returned to the store at which time they pointed it out.


The advisor (actually the manager) today tried repeatedly to cancel the contract for me, based on the above, but the till system kept saying refund refused. They have told me that they will have to escalate this to their customer service team on Monday as they are not open until then. They will then call me but they said there is no guarantee that it can be cancelled.


Sorry for the side rant about that but I just wanted to highlight this to other customers as some O2 staff are obviously unaware of this policy and it puts us customers in this awful position when we are mis informed.


I hope to get it all sorted out on Monday but in the meantime, I'd just like my phone to actually be a phone. I'm interested in hearing if anyone has the same problem?







Message 1 of 52

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Having the same issue myself.


Got the new handset on Friday, swapped the SIM online absolutely no indication of any issues with delays for SIM swaps. Contacted the online help twice today and was told the SIM swap is still processing. 


I can only assume the network issues have created a back log which is affecting anyone who swapped a SIM and was one of the people who had network issues on top of it. 


I know o2 don't guarantee 100% up time but this isn't a coverage or network issue, because our SIM swaps are now in limbo, we can't revert to our old ones and there's no timescale for the new ones. It's a pretty major issue and I'd like more information on when I am going to be able to use a phone.

Message 11 of 52

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What a nuisance! i'm having my number ported over from my last contract although I got a message from them saying it will take about 24 hours on friday it still hasn't been done.  After calling them they said they don't port the numbers over at the weekend only Monday to Friday.  Maybe its the same with your issue.  Quite fraustrating as I've had my last contract deactivated and still no service on 02

Message 12 of 52

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I know it's no comfort to many one else but it's nice to know its not just me. I still have nothing as of 9am Sunday morning. It's just really frustrating now. I wouldn't have minded if I could have just used my old SIM card in my old phone until it changed over, but that went dead two days ago.


Thanks for the tip about making sure the sim is active before before cancelling. I need to keep the number so that's important. Thringing is, I'm not necessarily going to leave O2, I'm just thinking of reverting back to my sim only contract for the time being and I might just get a payg phone to put me on for now.


Whats worse is I know to do that, I'll require another sim swap if its a standard sim phone...though to save the complete hassle, I think I'll ask O2 for a sim adapter instead. Don't really like them but its better than the alternative :0S


i hope everyone gets sorted soon. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Message 13 of 52

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That's interesting about the weekend thing. I was told it didn't matter and that it would go through anyway. They keep blaming the outage.


I guess I'll be going in store on Tuesday to sort it all out, one way or another. Does anyone know if you can return to a different store than where you took the contract? I could go to another on Monday near where I work if I can...

Message 14 of 52

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Another one for the list, received my new Nano Sim and adapter on Friday.  Did the online Sim Swap, got a txt on my old Sim saying it would be within 24Hrs...Then network problems...After that My Sims seemed to partly swap over at sometime in the early hours of Saturday morning, great I thought when I saw my old handet had no signal and my new one did.


Unfortunely now I have a part provisioned Sim which doesn't show o2 at the top of the phone, it will allow me to make calles but I can't use mobile Internet or MMS. I've gone trough everything with O2 from removing and wiping the Sim card to setting up new APN's only to be told now by three people on seperate calls that my sim hasn't been fully provisioned yet and it should be in the next hour, three hours, two to twentyfour hours .. so I've basically not had any service sine the network issues on Friday and I'm not a happy bunny....



Message 15 of 52

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Add me to this list too, Sat 10 am I lost my old sim number , still waiting for it to be ported over to my new phone, so far its a very expensive brick. 😞
Message 16 of 52

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Hi guys,
I'm trying to get more information on the general situation. Once I have something, I'll let you know.
Message 17 of 52

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Almost 24hrs to the minute and my service has just been activated! Programmed activation during busy or difficult periods is my reckoning!
Message 18 of 52

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I have exactly the same problem.............after over an hour on hold I actually spoke to someone at O2 and they said there is a huge backlog of sim swaps however their website say "everything fixed"
NOT good enough I'm afraid. I might just return the phone and change to another network cos for two weeks I've tried to get a response from O2 on another matter without success. Funny how when you walk into the shop and they need a payment everything works just fine !
Message 19 of 52

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41 hours and counting here..still not working.. And just being given what's obviously a standard script every time I speak to o2.

Again I'm paying for a service that I'm not receiving..

Message 20 of 52