on 16-11-2023 20:49
I’m currently paying for unlimited texts + calls & unlimited data. But whenever I’m on the phone, people have kept telling me I’m constantly breaking up and have a bad signal for over six months now. On top of that, I very rarely have a proper data connection. I’ve emailed the complaints department, no answer. I’ve tried contacting the online O2 services, no luck after multiple attempts due to network time outs. *sigh*
Where’s the support? Ive moved about while being a customer and only ever have 1 to 2 bars of 3G/4G. I’ve even had 0 bars with a little “E” symbol. And I’ve only ever lived in built up towns & cities?
Once they’ve got my signature and a contract to my money, it seems they don’t care about their customers or about delivering their service.
Dude, WTF!?
on 16-11-2023 21:09
on 16-11-2023 21:13
on 16-11-2023 21:13
Have you had a look to see if there are any service issues in your local area? https://status.o2.co.uk
Are there any major building works going off in your local area as well, as sometimes as part of this the mast gets removed until they finish (looking at you TFL on Tottenham Court Road)..
Also have a look at these guides Guide: How can I sort out my network issues? Guide: Is the network down for me or everyone?
Also use the o2 My Network app to report issues in your local area..
Other than that get some PAYG sims on other networks, and test coverage, and then pay off your contract and move .. ( Guide: Cancelling Your Contract )
Just remember that o2 wont let you out of the contract for free, as no network offers 100% network coverage or data connectivity, and no networks say you will get 4G or 5G