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So, just where is my new device 02?

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TL;DR / No Sarcasm:  I've upgraded, the device was dispatched next day delivery, 48 hours later it hasn't turned up (this isn't the first time this has happened with 02), there is no way to get in touch with 02 to investigate where the device is. 


I was prompted via the My02 app to upgrade my phone.  02 would waive my last few months if I moved to an 02 Refresh plan.  I hummed and ha-ed, and finally decided on the iPhone 11 Pro Max - gonna cost a little more per month, but it's a flagship phone and will last me for the foreseeable future. 


So, I follow the process and get all the emails to say my new contract has been set up, my tarrif has been changed, i can select my o2 Extra (that's another story!!) and my phone has been dispatched for next day delivery.    Now - I don't for an instant believe that it would be next day delivery - because on previous orders this has never been the case.  You see, in order for the phone to get to me it needs to travel across some water by ferry.    I've complained about this before - just tell me when it's ordered that based on my postcode it would be 48 hours, not 24 hours.  I'm cool with that. 

I'd be willing to wait 2-3 days for the phone, the waiting isn't the issue - it's the not knowing that the problem. Should I take the dog for our hour of government mandated exercise or not? what happens if the phone arrives while I'm out and the courier takes it away again? Has someone taken the phone between the Hinkley distribution point and it arriving in belfast? Where is my new phone? 


I phoned the 02 upgrade team, and they transfered me to someone else - she was incredibly rude.  She instantly said she couldn't assist me - they're only assiting vulnerable people (how does she know I'm not vulnerable? she never asked), or essential business (the automated system previously said upgrades are essential).  I tried to argue my point - admitedly getting a little hotheaded. She tells me to phone the courier, DPD, the number is on their website she says, it isn't i say, it is she says, it isn't i say - at which point she decides to play disconnection chicken with me. For those who haven't worked in a call centre, this is were you disconnect or mute your system to convince the caller that they've been disconnected - after holding on for a few minutes, thinking she'll give in and come back. I clucked it and hung up the phone not knowing anymore than when i started, but also infuriated. 

I finally discover that DPD have a Facebook page, I send them a message: 
"Hello - could you give me an update on the following delivery: 155xxxxxxxx332. It was to be next day delivery to number 42, My Street, BTX XDD. I've tried speaking to O2, who have been rude and unhelpful. I appreciate that with Covid, it would be likely that there is a delay, but a delivery day would be most appreciative."

DPDs response: 

"Hey Glenn, I hope all is well. I have tracked your delivery and I can see there is no further scans of the parcel since yesterday morning. We're very sorry about this Glenn, I would advise you contact your sender to make them aware of this situation. They're the account holders with ourselves which allows them to raise a search investigation. I have raised a complaint in regards to this and we're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause." 


So, I send o2 a facebook message, it worked for DPD, it must work for one of the big 4...right? No. I got an automated reply directing me to my02 - WHICH HAS NO SOLUTION TO MY PROBLEM.  If the courier says you need to raise a search investigation, but I can't get in touch to tell you this - what the hell am I supposed to do?   The contract for delivery of the phone is between 02 and DPD, not DPD and I! I should not be chasing this - it should be 02. 

02 Community, I ask you this:  Where is my new phone?  When will I get it?  neutral   I'll tell you this, if I phoned up to cancel the upgrade, they'd be rolling over to try and sort this out.  


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It's O2's job to sort this out. Not yours. @NixonInExile 

There are numerous phone numbers in this guide. ||Try any or all to get through. Press any option.

Guide: Coronavirus Community Help and Support 

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 8

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Sorry for what you are going thru.


I have said many times why i didnt wanna upgrade during these difficult times and this is another sad story which scares me for not wanting to upgrade.


I sincerely hope everything gets sorted out for you.

Message 3 of 8

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Thanks for this @Cleoriff  - I'll give them another try tomorrow. 

I should state that I appreciate that with Covid-19 theres a lot of confusion and delay, again this isn't the issue. It's the not knowing.  I'm a key worker (but not frontline - claps all round for the NHS), I get it better than most.  

Message 4 of 8

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I was going to upgrade as I have the same refresh offer as you. This has put me off
Message 5 of 8

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UPDATE: Phoned 02 to cancel upgrade and leave network. Got to speak with a guy called Kyle at Customer Service who put my mind at ease - as far he could tell the phone was still in GB but on route and I should expect it on Monday.

Phone arrived on Saturday morning out of the blue.
Message 6 of 8

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Excellent news @NixonInExile thumbsup

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 7 of 8

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I’ve been waiting 2 weeks for my order🤨 

I’ve just enquired with EE & they stated if I cancel they will beet my tariffs and device charge and deliver phone next day! So let’s see if it arrives this week? If not it’s “goodbye O2” hello EE

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