on 28-02-2017 11:13
on 28-02-2017 11:13
They do exist at O2 I've just pinged one and seen the MX records for it so Guru help on Customer Services isn't GURU helpful.
Tesco use O2 for their mobile phone network - and smtp.o2.co.uk works with a Tesco PAYG mobile phone to send emails.
Get a O2 SIM card and low and behold smtp.o2.co.uk also works to send email.
transfer (PORT) your number existing mobile number to o2 and besides a catastrophic lack of mobile phone services ... smtp.o2.co.uk doesn't work.
Given after much ado I can now get voice/data/text but still no smtp relays services its reasonable to conclude someone hasn't flicked a switch somewhere or added my new number to a white list.
SMTP Servers are pretty simple think of someone being passed parcels and they throw them in the back of the delivery van only if its one of theirs. That person woudl be the SMTP server. and validation appears to be based on the phone number being an o2 phone number as no other credentials are asked for or required to send mail.
You can TELNET in for a quick chat "helo" MAIL FROM - VRFY ect ect. but I hate TELNET and its for the techies do so they can identify problems not me!
so the rubbish about "we got rid of these servers two years ago when we dumped the email accounts is just that" RUBBISH !
why can I not send email though o2 SMTP server? anyone with any ideas that don't involve switching it on and off or putting the details back in the SMTP server account on my mobile for the tenth time any enlightened GURUS out there ?
on 01-03-2017 08:01
on 01-03-2017 08:01
I also fail to see why this FORUM is a bad advert for O2 Customer services ?
In fact this forum is a real bonus to O2 customers ....
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 01-03-2017 08:13
on 01-03-2017 08:13
on 01-03-2017 08:20
on 02-03-2017 09:25
Very sorry didn't realise it was your personal forum "Mr Moderator - Supreme"
however your continual sarcasm and condescending comments have put me in my place now oh yes level 2 apprentice ...
don't worry its all yours again I bother you anymore by posting on a "community forum"
on 02-03-2017 10:21