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Porting number from monthly O2 contract to new contract via virgin mendia

Level 1: Joiner
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So I signed upto Virgin media and as part of a package am paying for a new monthly O2 contract. I was told i could port my existing O2 number to this new contract.

After receiving the sim i have contacted O2 (as cant generate a PAC code) and keep getting passed between teams being told “these are two different systems and require verification by another team”, after getting handed over to a few other people who don’t know what to do - they just hang up. Has happened three times now. Has anyone else faced this or no what to do as I’m currently paying for two contracts?

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Level 78: King of Kings
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You dont need a PAC Code, its an intenal transfer of the number, and you will have to pay off in full any remaining time or device plan on your current o2 contract. 

Follow this guide Guide: Migration & porting into O2 


For reference as well you dont need to take on a new contract with o2 to get the Volt Benefits...

iPhone 16 Pro Max - o2 and Spusu
Galaxy Z Fold 6 - Mozillion
iPad Pro 11 M4 - Three

This is not customer services and we dont have access to your account
I do not work for o2 or any VMo2 /Telefonica/Liberty Global Company
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