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O2 Travel

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I changed my tariff in May this year and as part of the new tariff, including 100GB data, was free O2 Travel.

At the time, travelling to US was part of the ‘use your allowance abroad’ (up to 25GB).

So I’m happy, new tariff in place, confirmation by email of extra in place ready for our trip to US July/August.

Now I take a look at myO2 app for no real reason at all whilst here, and astonished to see I’m racking up daily £6 charges in first week here!!!

After spending a while to navigate in endless website loops just to try & speak or message someone, I learn that the ‘use your allowance’ is now restricted to Europe only. NO ONE FROM O2 TOLD ME?!

….. and to top it off there’s no call number from US (eventually found a number only to be told that the number is not in service), or message service to get credited. Seems only option is to raise a formal complaint to a UK address, what from the US? As if that serves the customer as good service. Astonishingly poor customer relations. Offer something which has value (could have ticked the Disney channel for £8 per month instead) only to change the boundaries of the extra so it’s worthless to me, and don’t tell me about it.



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You have never been able to use your allowances outside of the EU so you've either been lied to or misunderstood.

Guide: Roaming MegaGuide 

Number to call from abroad on this link


I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 2 of 6

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With travel to the US you can have either O2 Travel at £6.00 per day (if you use it). Or you can have O2 Travel Inclusive which costs nothing but you are only eligible for Travel Inclusive with certain tariffs. Check this guide Guide: Roaming MegaGuide 

To call O2 from abroad at no cost the number is +44 7860 980 202. Or use social media....

Message O2 on Facebook ( , Twitter ( or Instagram (, hopefully they should be able to help.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 6

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Thanks for reply MI5 - The link you sent actually says the US had some inclusive allowance in May, and in any case I’m 100% certain the O2 website said as much as I was mindful of our trip so the small print was checked! If you went for a tariff of at least 30GB per month you could use up to 25GB of it abroad in US (as one of the listed countries). The website now only has this for Europe and confirms O2 travel has been ‘refreshed’ recently, clearly to some detriment for further afield.


The number you sent was the one I tried but my typo 🙄 meant invalid, will try again in the morning as closed now.

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If you are paying £6.00 per day, you are on O2 TRAVEL.

In short, there are 4 Types of Travel groups.

1) Travel in Europe which allows you to use your allowances as if you are at home but your data will be capped at 25GB. (The US is NOT in Europe so ignore any data capping)

2 O2 TRAVEL. For £6.00 a day you get Unlimited minutes, unlimited texts and data. (No restrictions)

3) O2 TRAVEL INCLUSIVE (Tariff dependent) Free of charge, you get 120 Calls, 120 minutes and data (No data restrictions)

4) REST OF THE World (which simply means O2 have no roaming agreements with those countries and you have to pay international rates.)

All of this is in the Guide: Roaming MegaGuide above.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 6

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The only inclusive allowances for the USA are if you have the Travel Inclusive bolt on.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
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