I chatted to an O2 chat representative called Kim. I was after a pay monthly iPhone, she advised me that she will give me £50 credit and it will work as follows. I would opt for £12 line rental + £20 for the phone per month. The £50 would be applied so that I wouldn't pay the £12 line rental for the first four months. She said that I place an online order and she will be there and I give her the order number. I did that and she said she has put it on my account. She sounded genuine, but my contract started today and lo and behold I got charged the line rental, I advised O2 and there is no record from Kim. How do I track down this person, she may have just made a mistake, I 'm hoping so. Can O2 look at past chats, I would like them to investigate, it's a matter of principle and O2 are not adhering to consumer protection regulations! The annoying thing is I get a computer says no response, no one I've spoken gives me any advice. Frustrating.