😠I was charged 4a new contract sim which I cancelled within 14 days. Upon ringing I was assured this would be taken care of but whilst in hospital with a seriously ill son, an amount CLOSE 2 but not identical 2 the erroneous charge was CREDITED into my bank a/c WITHOUT NOTICE! the first I knew about it was when I received debt collection agency letters. I've also had NUMEROUS problems with direct debits being cancelled, making manual payment & restarting the dds only 2 find at the end of month they threaten 2 disconnect me. I ring up 3 CONSECUTIVE months & am assured all is now ok only 2 have it happen AGAIN! Many lengthy & frustrating calls later - as my credit rating has been HALVED by this treatment I put in a complaint & eventually spot the rogue credit & offer 2 settle up immediately (I'm not a thief!) Only 2b told "were letting u off with the amount but will NOT remove the default & black mark from your credit rating!" So I'm not expected 2 repay this amount (as some kind of customer charity - strange as I did NOT owe the amount in the FIRST place & O2's error is the ONLY reason the debt was ever raised - BIG DEAL O2!so very kind of u wen it's NOT in any way my fault! 😠) but the absolute TRAGEDY is that "we're letting u off with the amount (mistakenly credited) but WON'T remove the outstanding debt & black mark from your credit score Resulting in my credit rating being HALVED. The complaints dept smugly inform me "you'll have 2 take it 2 the ombudsman if not satisfied" and "we have no record of u contacting us 2 resolve this issue! !!!" DISGUSTING!😖 what do I have 2 do - pull my phone records & PROVE all the times, dates & HOURS spent on the phone 2 customer services for as we all know:
☎PHONE CALLS ARE MONITORED & RECORDED 4 SAFETY & TRAINING PURPOSES!😡 - yes YOUR purposes - covering your backs & preventing u from being accountable at all! Whilst researching the issue I found there 2b a massive 54 PAGES of complaints on the same subject - ON YOUR OWN WEBSITE! it's about time somebody did something about u O2 - ur a law unto yourself (so u think!) & your actions (DELIBERATELY malicious in my case) are causing untold unnecessary distress & financial hardship but you remain untouchable - hiding behind your large corporate status, utter lack of accountability & complete & total disregard 4 customers welfare OR rights. I have been too sick with many varied problems & beset with terrible family pressures 2 pursue the matter & clear my name but alarmingly, when I now come 2 start official complaints I cannot access ANY account details or previous correspondence (old computer crashed can't find emails) CANT find any old bills nor banking info (errors errors errors) & faced with the prospect of ANOTHER lengthy & bitter difficult struggle 2 get justice I am forced 2 resort 2 trading standards & my MP as I don't feel able 2 gain fair treatment & justice on my own. I think that if this post goes uncommented by O2 I shall b forced 2 go public & expose what I consider 2b shocking, MALICIOUSLY CRIMINAL behaviour! I shall contact EVERY possible public source (social media, consumer sites ie Money Saving Expert & as MUCH media exposure ie Ripoff Britain) as possible. You CANNOT b allowed 2 "play god" with peoples lives & finances & simply ruin people with flippant disregard! Im unable 2 get a new credit card, any loans or even new phone contract & this is a DIRECT result of your actions.