on 03-09-2023 10:28
I upgraded and paid off old device plan
new device should be 19.61 but in the app it says over 20 pounds , the new airtime should be 28 but it says 36 something and this is nearly 60 pounds and am not happy at all , if this is going to be the first bill things should be explained more. Because I even added my blue light discount so all together I should be paying around 42 a month that is what i was told not nearly 60 can you advise please
on 03-09-2023 11:16
Hi @Staceymarie
Welcome to the o2 Community forum
We don't have access to accounts so you would be wise to contact customer services also on Facebook Twitter and Instagram
Guide: How to find help & contact O2
on 03-09-2023 11:20
Your bluelight discount is only on the airtime not the device plan and is only applicable from your second bill onwards. Guide: O2 Open & Friends and Family discounts - How to sign up