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Ending my 24 month contract

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My first bill was January 2015, which means my contract is almost up, I don't use that phone/SIM anymore as I have another contract phone also with O2


Is there anything I need to do when the old phone contract comes to an end, or will it automatically stop taking direct debits and disconnect the SIM?



Message 1 of 14

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You will need to give 30 days notice that you wish to cancel or otherwise it will become a 30 day rolling contract

View solution in original post

Message 2 of 14

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You will need to give 30 days notice that you wish to cancel or otherwise it will become a 30 day rolling contract
Message 2 of 14

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Rolling contract that I did not sign, meaning if I cancel the Direct Debit with the bank, they just disconnect the SIM?



Message 3 of 14

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It's part of the T&Cs that you need to give 30 days notice so yes you agreed to it without reading them.

Yes they will disconnect if yoy cancel the direct debit and sell the debt on, ruining your credit rating along with letters from the debt recovery agency and maybe even personal visits.

Why not just call and give 30 days notice.....

Message 4 of 14

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@Anonymous wrote:

Rolling contract that I did not sign, meaning if I cancel the Direct Debit with the bank, they just disconnect the SIM? 

Actually you did agree to that.

Call CS on 202 and give notice. Cancelling your DD will just result in a debt and a negative credit score.

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Message 5 of 14

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DON'T just cancel your Direct Debit.....this will open a huge can of worms.


When you start a contract, you sign for a MINIMUM 24 months meaning that after 24 months the contract will keep going until the network are instructed otherwise.

Message 6 of 14

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Called and cancelled, wil receive a final bill on the 24th month (15th Jan)


Tbh, I think when you sign up for a 24 month contract, it should be exactly that, a 24 month contract, and if it will have something extra tied to the tail end of it, then it should say under the 24 month term, "With an ongoing 30 day rolling contract after 24 months, requiring 30 days notice to cancel" (Without having to read a weeks worth of Ts&Cs 1mm sized text to find that out)


My £28 p/m contract I signed up for back then, was never £28 p/m either, to start with it was always £0.02p over the £28 p/m, never went outside my allowance or used MMS, and slowly the cost of that contract increased with the usual inflation, so I never even had my contracted £28 p/m either


I'm happy with o2, will remain an o2 customer, I just think things like this should be advertised much more honestly



Message 7 of 14

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I guess it's your first ever mobile contract then as they are all and always have been the same.
Mine is still rolling on monthly 2 years after my refresh deal ended as I don't need a new phone.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 8 of 14

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Yep first contract late in life, never had the need for anything other than incoming calls on Pay&Go until 2 years ago, but you get hooked having always on calls and texts at hand, and always nice to have data when out and about, so signed up for another 24 months with the S7, this one I've just cancelled had been sitting unused since August


I guess thinking about it, having a rolling contract you can cancel at any time (giving 30 days) isn't terrible, but if I was going to be keeping the same handset, I would be looking for a cheaper SIM only deal to go with it, rather than continuing paying what I am atm - unless that cost drops once you have paid for the handset after the 24 months?

Message 9 of 14

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Oh yes mate, after the handset is paid off it can half in cost.
I'm paying £14 a month now sim only unlimited calls, texts and 8gb data.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 10 of 14