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Disabled, cannot pay bill

Not applicable



In the past few months my disability has caused me to stop working and have fallen behind on my payments to O2 while waiting payments for disability living allowance. 


I informed customer services about waiting for benefits (from the DWP) in early November by telephone and they gave me another two weeks. I've had a restricted service since mid-November.


I've just received a letter saying that unless I can pay the full balance (£124.50) they will disconnect me in a few days. I cannot pay the amount as the DWP will be paying me on 8 January. I don't want to be disconnected and it's been difficult for my disability to go without a mobile phone.


Does anyone know if there is a way that I can pay the full balance back but over several months on top of the monthly line rental? I am also looking to reduce the tariff as well (don't know if this possible) because my usage has changed and it would also be beneficial to reducing the outstanding balance quicker. 


Thanks in advance.

Message 1 of 5

Level 26: Upbeat
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I don't think you can. You've done the right thing by contacting CS initially but it was only ever a short term thing. Dropping your tariff can only be done at the midway point of the contract but if you signed up after March this year then you have no option to change downwards throughout the duration of the minimum term. Even so, I don't think o2 would allow you till you paid off the outstanding amount.


The only option I can see is to see the phone and use that money to pay it off. In the meantime buy a cheap PAYG to see you through.

Message 2 of 5

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You could as an alternative get an official letter from DWP saying you will get paid x amount on the 8th January and appeal to the better nature of o2 again. But as you will be in receipt of benefits, it may be the case that it may not be acceptable as in effect you are using the benefit to pay off bills which is not its intended purpose. The DWP may look upon it and review your situation negatively.

Message 3 of 5

Level 44: Clearly Talented
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You can ask to pay the bill over a few months. Unfortunatly the service will stayed barred until you've cleared the debt. At least doing it this way they won't terminate your contract and come after you for anything left over.
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 4 of 5

Not applicable

Sorry to hear about your predicament. Most companies work on a 3 month debt before taking it further. If you are able to pay one of the months which from what you have said would be £41.50 then you will get another month which by that time will allow you DLA payment to kick in.

Think you need to put another call into them on your mobile using 202 which is free and ask to speak with somebody that can help get it resolved rather than the front line customer service guys and girls.

I did this with my brother who also is disabled and we managed to agree a payment plan to get him sorted. We had to provide doctors/hospital letters and copies of the letters for DLA and I would guess Employment and support allowance.

Thing to remember is there are always alternatives and not to get yourself stressed. 

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