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Coronavirus bill issue

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I lost my job due to coronavirus. My bill was due on 02 April 20, due to being ill (not related to virus) I contacted them on 07 may 20. To be honest, the conversation with the advisor was very quick. I explained my issues due 2 covid/illness and if they could giv me any support, at least until I received my benefits on 21 May. He flew through a whole load of script which I thought I understood but now looking back didn't. My understanding was my DD would b moved to 21st which would start from June, I made the card payment for my missed bill on 21st may 20 and thought that was everything back to normal. I checked my bill for June and there is an extra £10 tariff charge and £3.50 late payment fee, I understand my bill was overdue. The thing I dont understand is how lots of friends, family and even my partner all got a 3months off their bill and no late charges. All they had to do was mention coronavirus. I dont understand why I didn't receive the same support. Esp when most of my friends told o2 they were furloughed and still receiving 80% wages and I advised them I was jobless and ill. Has anyone else had this issue or any advice on what I should do? I do find some of their advisors are quite forceful with their personal/conversation skills. I tend to back down during these calls as I'm asking for help.
Message 1 of 10

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You do need to contact O2. Most of their advisors are extremely helpful. (your friends found people who helped them didn't they?)

All numbers for O2 are in this guide Guide: Coronavirus Community Help and Support 

I used this number last week. They were extremely patient and helpful

0800 587 4005.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket

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Message 2 of 10

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You do need to contact O2. Most of their advisors are extremely helpful. (your friends found people who helped them didn't they?)

All numbers for O2 are in this guide Guide: Coronavirus Community Help and Support 

I used this number last week. They were extremely patient and helpful

0800 587 4005.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 10

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Thank you for your help.

Do you think I should try and get the charges removed or do u think I should leave it and pick my battles? At the moment I dont have alot of fight in me.

Do you know of anyone that received this help or has everyone misunderstood like me and going 2 get a shock with a huge bill in 3months?lol
Message 3 of 10

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If you really aren't up to it then leave it. No point in getting yourself more stressed, particularly during this current climate.

We need to relax and be as positive as we can, not worrying about things which will make us feel worse.

Bottom line, we are all different and must do what suits us best.

Just watch your bank statements closely and act accordingly if you have any issues with the next bill.

Take care. Stay safe. xx

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 4 of 10

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I have only been on sim only for a couple of months, as I got a new phone, however, my signal kept dropping randomly. I went 2 the o2 shop and the advisor there was lovely. He said it was definitely the sim card and as I was PAYG I would have to pay £25 for a replacement sim, then he asked my tariff which was £20 big bundle which I loved and also I got rewards as I used my account 2 pay for Google play items. He said it was an awful tariff and he sold me the sim only unlimited 18m 5GB tariff which is £12. I thought great, even though he was the loveliest of guys, he kept asking me to look at screen press ok. Again, i didn't really get a chance to read any of it at the time, as i felt rushed and anxious, he felt rushed as there was a large queue forming. I feel again that this was my own fault.

Im also unsure how to get my rewards I earned on PAYG before I changed to sim only as I would like to think they would be owed to me.

I wish I had just paid 25quid for the sim and stayed on PAYG as everything is complicated with monthly (app, bill, extra charges), all I have had is problems. Most likely down to myself for not speaking up. I'm just not very savvy with all this.
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If you have credit from when you were PAYG, these can be applied to your current sim only.

However, this does need a call to O2. (Sorry)

PS I am also sim only and would never go back to PAYG. Far easier to manage and great when you have the option to upgrade your simo plan when a better one appears in the shop.

Best of luck @Vampydani  x

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 10

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I really appreciate all your help and patience with a soft, idiot of a woman like me.😂

I dont mean 2 torture but would I get a credit form by phoning o2 on same number. Could that number deal with all my issues or would I have to contact different depts.

I think I will possibly be asking loads of questions on the community until I get my head round it all. Its been very useful and idiot proof.

I am going to give them a call and just wing it. Wish me luck, god knows what I will agree 2. 😂😂

Thanks again, u and ur family #Staysafe ❤

Message 7 of 10

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@Vampydani  (soft idiot of a woman my ass) rofl

Just calling one number should be ok to deal with all issues.

Also it's great to have you on the forum.

Make sure you  stick around and welcome. Welcome

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 8 of 10

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Hey there @Vampydani , how are you getting on this week? I just wanted to check if you got everything sorted in the end with your bill. Let us know if you have any further concerns or issues that we could help with.

Message 9 of 10

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Yes I got everything sorted thank you
Message 10 of 10