Hello and welcome to my biennial post about upgrades

It's that time again, tomorrow is upgrade day and I was all set to go in store to (try to) upgrade my s3 for the s5 until I started doing the dreaded online search! I have seen soem cracking deals on the Carphone Warehouse website for o2, including a "free gift" of a Samsung tablet, this is very appealing to me as I would really like a tablet! Unfortunately due to my years of lurking on the o2 forums the words Carphone and Warehouse together set off alarm bells in my head. So are they really as bad as they used to be? I understand that I will still be contracted to o2 so that should be realtively straight forward (subject to passing the bleeding credit checks, that I somehow failed last time I tried to switch providers, the fear!) but do the cons outway the pros?
Last time I ended up upgrading through Tesco and got a great deal, but I can't see any o2 phones on their website any more and I really would like the tablet haha.
Also I've just got an NUS card in the hopes of getting the discounted airtime plan with my upgrade, does anyone know if this would this still be available with an upgrade through CPW?
Thanks in advance!